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PragTic SW





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FME CTU in Prague

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I started this section in the end of Fatigue 2006 conference. I have got the feeling, that people working in the same field should know each other. At least in the way, that they could recognize one another when they meet.

Well, another reason is, that I would like to get some response from people who try to use PragTic. And if I get it, I would like to know a bit more whom I'm talking with.

If you would like to join us, register please.

There are no particularly personal details, but if you feel something inadequate, you are not required to fill it in.

There is an option to stay an anonymous user. This means, that your personal data are hidden to other users, they are used only for your identification to the administrator. You can find explanation of all available access levels (privileged user, anonymous user and correspondent) in Glossary.


Privileged Users

Username: 1karub7

bura bura

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: a.nieslony

Adam Nieslony

Born: 1973
Lives in: Poland
Working at: Opole University of Technology
Current fatigue topics: spectral method
Further focus:  
Username: abm.saiful

A. B. M. Saiful Islam

Born: 1978
Lives in: Kulala Lumpur, Malaysia
Working at: University of Malaya
Current fatigue topics: Long time fatigue of RC beam
Further focus:  
Username: ABoulila

boulila abderni

Born: 1972
Lives in: France
Working at: myself
Current fatigue topics: notches correction factors
Further focus: fatigue
Message: Thank you for your help and for the great job done.
Username: abrasbarsaoui

abras barsoui

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: aceyhan

Aykut Ceyhan

Born: 1981
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ad96004

Xu Luo XuLuo

Born: 0
Lives in: Kosisikawa 4-20-3, Bunkyoku Tokyo Japan
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: adityabotla

Aditya Botla

Born: 1982
Lives in: India
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: LCF, Creep fatigue,
Further focus:  
Message: Thank you!
Username: aebalu

Balaji M

Born: 1985
Lives in: India
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: agarvalpk

Prafull Agarwal

Born: 1980
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: aid

AID Abdelkrim

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ak800cu

Adam Kaľavský

Born: 1993
Lives in: Košice
Working at: Technická univerzita v Košiciach
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: akhavan

Alireza Akhavan Saffar

Born: 1982
Lives in: Iran-Tehran
Working at: -
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: Make a new model
Username: akhlaque

shaikh akhlaque

Born: 1975
Lives in: Detroit
Working at: University
Current fatigue topics: Composite
Further focus: Sandwich
Message: It will be appriabble if I can solve my problem
Username: akwayeb

alain kwayeb

Born: 1958
Lives in: paris
Working at: Ariane group
Current fatigue topics: notch effect
Further focus:  
Username: alberto_campagn

Alberto Campagnolo

Born: 1987
Lives in:  
Working at: University of Padova
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: alberto87

Alberto Campagnolo

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: alderliesten

Ren Alderliesten

Born: 1973
Lives in: The Netherlands
Working at: TUDelft
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Aleksandr_Roman

Aleksandr Romanov

Born: 1984
Lives in: Russia
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: LCF calculation software
Further focus:  
Username: ales

Aleš Chalupa

Born: 1969
Lives in: Brno
Working at: KPSAG
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: alesk

Aleš Kejla

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: algabone

Al Gabone

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: alirezachadi

Ali Chadi

Born: 1980
Lives in: USA
Working at: VT
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Aliyye

Aliyye Kara

Born: 1987
Lives in: Turkey
Working at: University
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue Initiation
Further focus: New Methods
Message: Thank you very much for sharing this software with the public.
Username: alko

alko colombo

Born: 1975
Lives in: mialn
Working at: milan
Current fatigue topics: no
Further focus:  
Username: alphaprise

Ibrahim Abdelsayed

Born: 1967
Lives in: Australia
Working at: Alphaprise
Current fatigue topics: Weld and pressure vessels in general
Further focus:  
Username: altramonto

linda giuseppe

Born: 1951
Lives in: italy
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ameritek

Jason DeJoy

Born: 1965
Lives in:  
Working at: Ameritek
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Amgis

Pavel Pokorný

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: student VUT
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: amitava_bag

amitava bag

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: amol.bhanage

amol bhanage

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: hi
Username: anandamkumara

Ananda machanahally

Born: 1977
Lives in: banhalore
Working at: eng
Current fatigue topics: neuber
Further focus: fatigue
Username: Andre

Andrea Vincenzi

Born: 1984
Lives in: ITALY, Parma
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Prediction of Fatigue Performances in Aluminium
Further focus: Multiaxial Fatigue
Username: andreacorazza94

Andrea Corazza

Born: 1994
Lives in: Meduna di Livenza -(TV) - Italy
Working at: SPM Engineering s.r.l.
Current fatigue topics: Vibrational fatigue, rubber and elastomers fatigue
Further focus: Broadband random signal spectra fatigue applied to aluminum bike chassis
Message: -
Username: andreaschiev

andrea schievenin

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: andreysakamoto

Andrey Sakamoto

Born: 1998
Lives in: São Paulo, Brasil
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Corrosion-fatigue in aluminum alloys
Further focus:  
Username: andyxon

viliam amerstein

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Angelo

Angelo R. Maligno

Born: 1966
Lives in: Nottingham
Working at: Zentech International Ltd -
Current fatigue topics: Numerical Modelling Of Fatigue Crack Growth
Further focus: Interfacial delamination in composite materials, effect of harsh environment on fatigue crack evolution,
Username: anilkumarthokal

anil thokala

Born: 1985
Lives in: india
Working at: quest
Current fatigue topics: life caluclation of bearing housings
Further focus: life caluclation of fan casings
Username: anilogale

Anil Ogale

Born: 1977
Lives in: India
Working at: MagnaSteyr
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: aniruddhajadhav

Aniruddha Jadhav

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: anitulinka

Anita Rathová

Born: 1987
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: anoriega6

arturo noriega s. artnos

Born: 1951
Lives in: salamanca gto. mex.
Working at: anservices
Current fatigue topics: lcf, asme secc. viii div 2, life, fracture cyl. vessels, api 579, etc
Further focus: design via fatigue, etc
Message: ms mech eng. ,20 yrs for fea experience in industrial applic.
Username: ansys

Karel Kubáček

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: svsfem
Current fatigue topics: ansys
Further focus: ansys
Username: Ansysansoft

Ergun Bozkurt

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Anttijar

Antti Järvenpää

Born: 1984
Lives in: Finland
Working at: University of Oulu
Current fatigue topics: Additive manufactured and surface engineered metals, surface heat treated steels and structural parts
Further focus: The dependence between microstructural defects - surface conditions - fatigue properties
Username: apb118

Aditya B

Born: 0
Lives in: India
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: High temperature steel
Further focus:  
Username: apm

angel perez

Born: 1961
Lives in: Madrid
Working at: ETSIA
Current fatigue topics: Educational
Further focus: Educational
Username: areje

Anze Celik

Born: 1983
Lives in: Slovenia
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: arek

Arek Kedzior

Born: 1962
Lives in: USA
Working at: COMAU Inc
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: armitage

Huls Rob

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: arnoldh

Arnold H.

Born: 1975
Lives in: Germany
Working at: -
Current fatigue topics: -
Further focus: Looking for a solution which can be used with code_aster (private interest)
Message: >
Username: arrr


Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: aspagn

Andrea Spagnoli

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Atlanticconvoy

Ashwin Karthikeyan

Born: 1990
Lives in: Chennai, India
Working at: Tube Products of India Ltd
Current fatigue topics: Multi-axial fatigue life prediction in a Stabilizer bar using Dang Van criteria, and evaluating its equivalence with the Uni-axial method
Further focus:  
Username: atsamaei

Ara Samaei

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Atul

Atul Patil

Born: 1990
Lives in: India
Working at: student
Current fatigue topics: project topic Bearing life
Further focus:  
Username: atul_godase


Born: 1977
Lives in: Mumbai
Working at: Engineering College
Current fatigue topics: Stress Connentration factor
Further focus: Stress Connentration factor and validation by FEA
Message: I am PG student of Mumbai university.Want some help on fatigue.
Username: avinash_011

Avinash Poojary

Born: 1981
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: avksridhar

avemalakonda sridhar

Born: 1966
Lives in: India
Working at: Government
Current fatigue topics: low cycle fatigue
Further focus: fatigue crack growth
Username: aydinkuntay

Aydin Kuntay

Born: 1970
Lives in: Istanbul
Working at: Eksen
Current fatigue topics: automotive related, defense, fitness for service
Further focus:  
Username: AzharJamil_Ind

Azhar Jamil

Born: 1980
Lives in: India
Working at: Aligarh Muslim University
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: b_woo

Ben Woodham

Born: 1984
Lives in: New Zealand
Working at: Not
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: balaa.india

Balasubramani Palanisamy

Born: 1981
Lives in: India
Working at: IIT
Current fatigue topics: Fretting Fatigue
Further focus: Multiaxial Fatigue Model applied to Fretting Problems
Message: I really appreciate the work done by Dr.JP. Many congratulations to you Dr.JP
Username: Banan ELkerdi

banan Al kerdi

Born: 1990
Lives in: Lebanon
Working at: AECENAR
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: bartosak

Michal Bartošák

Born: 1989
Lives in: Prague
Working at: CTU in Prague, FME
Current fatigue topics: Thermomechanical fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: BasanR

Robert Basan

Born: 0
Lives in: Rijeka, Croatia
Working at: Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka
Current fatigue topics: Estimation of fatigue parameters, Material database
Further focus:  
Username: BBerryhill

Benjamin Berryhill

Born: 1990
Lives in: Houston, Texas
Working at: Vulcan Industrial
Current fatigue topics: proportional multiaxial fatigue w/notch sensitivity
Further focus:  
Username: bdphillips

Brian Phillips

Born: 1983
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: beaver85

e liang

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: bendouba2012

bendouba mostefa

Born: 2021
Lives in: algeria
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: berkcan3655

berk can

Born: 1986
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: berkia6

hako berkia

Born: 1982
Lives in: AGERIA
Working at: STUDENT
Current fatigue topics: COMPOSITE LAMINATE
Further focus:  
Message: i need a sofwar to simulat fatigue of composite laminate
Username: bharathpindiman

bharath pindimane

Born: 1986
Lives in: bangalore, India
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: bibekananda87

Bibekananda Mandal

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Bjorden

Bjorn Kemerink

Born: 1977
Lives in: the Netherlands
Working at: TCPM engineering
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: bkatti

Shivanand B

Born: 1980
Lives in: Bangalore, INDIA
Working at: self
Current fatigue topics: yes
Further focus: yes
Message: hi
Username: blokesjan

Jan Blokeš

Born: 1992
Lives in:  
Working at: Tatra
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Boaretto

Joel Boaretto

Born: 1981
Lives in: Brasil
Working at: Guerra S.A. and UFRGS
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial Fatigue
Further focus: Multiaxial Fatigue
Username: bobist_2005

Boyan Stoychev

Born: 1957
Lives in: Gabrovo city, Bulgaria
Working at: Technical University of Gabrovo
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue live under combined rotating bending and constant torsion
Further focus:  
Message: My Ph.D. dissertation (to be defended) represents fatigue tests of specimens of hardened ?45?steel under combined loading of rotating bending and constant (steady) torsion. The experiments were carried out by a unique testing machine designed. Our hypothesis was confirmed that torsion (in some limits) added to rotating bending may rather increase the fatigue life than decrease it method.
Username: Bohus Leitner

Bohuš Leitner

Born: 1969
Lives in: Zilina
Working at: University of Zilina
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue Life Prediction
Further focus:  
Username: bojan

bojan huljev

Born: 1982
Lives in: Padua; Italy
Working at: Padua University
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: I am doinig my thesis about fatigue cracks in riveted railway bridges in Italy
Username: bpgautham

BP Gautham

Born: 1969
Lives in: India
Working at: Tata Research Development and Design Cente, Tata Consultancy Services, Pune
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue of automotive steels
Further focus: Fatigue of other metals and composites
Username: brianleslie

Brian Leslie

Born: 1975
Lives in: Killybegs
Working at: SeaQuest Systems
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: brighenti

roberto brighenti

Born: 1968
Lives in: italy
Working at: univ. of Parma
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial models
Further focus:  
Username: brunoabbr

Bruno Brandao

Born: 1997
Working at: UFMG
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: brunoximenes

Bruno Ximenes Takahashi

Born: 0
Lives in: Sao Paulo (SP) / Brazil
Working at: Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue life prediction, FE-based fatigue analysis, fatigue life assessment
Further focus: Fatigue of welded structures, vibration fatigue (random loading), Finite Element Analysis (Static, Dynamic, Linear and Nonlinear Analyses)
Message: I'm finishing my Master of Science course in Multiaxial Fatigue at Univesity of Sao Paulo (USP - Universidade de São Paulo)
Username: bslajs

Bohumír Šlajs

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: BUAA405YXG

Xiaguan Yan

Born: 1962
Lives in: Beijing
Working at: Beihang Univ.
Current fatigue topics: HT Fatigue, Multiaxial Fatigue
Further focus: TMF
Username: burakbulca

Burak Bulca

Born: 0
Lives in: Istanbul
Working at: Istanbul Technical University
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial Fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: caepsel

Przemek Siedlaczek

Born: 0
Lives in: Chorz?w
Working at: MESco
Current fatigue topics: Vibration and PSD Fatigue analysis / Welds
Further focus:  
Username: Calciums

Muhammed Ali

Born: 2000
Lives in: Ohani
Working at: Omar
Current fatigue topics: No
Further focus: No
Username: calra


Born: 1969
Lives in: Valenciennes - France
Working at: CIMES
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: canuzer

Can Uzer

Born: 1983
Lives in: Ankara
Working at: FNSS Defense Industry
Current fatigue topics: Metal fatigue, weld fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: capekl

Lukas Capek

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Carlassare

Carlos Alberto Carlassare

Born: 1946
Lives in: Argentina
Working at: Universidad Tecnol?gica Nacional
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue of Welded Structures
Further focus:  
Username: Carlos Alberto

Carlos Alberto Carlassare

Born: 1946
Lives in: Argentina
Working at: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue of welded structures
Further focus: Fatigue of welded structures
Message: Thank you sharing this info
Username: carlos40

carlos pinto pereira

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: CarlosGA

Carlos Gonzalez

Born: 1987
Lives in: Talagante, RM, Chile
Working at: Student
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue in TRIP steels
Further focus: Study of crack propagation in TRIP steels
Message: i want to check this app
Username: catrapi

Rubina Marques

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: caxman

leo WANG

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: cd.lucas

Carlos De Lucas

Born: 1983
Lives in: United
Working at: CITEAN
Current fatigue topics: Aotumotive driveline components fatigue testing
Further focus: Loads estimation
Username: cemalbasaran


Born: 1960
Lives in: Buffalo, New York
Working at: University at Buffalo
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue life prediction without curve-fitting
Further focus: Derivation of thermodynamic fundamental equations
Username: cerber

Yan Kavelin

Born: 2025
Lives in: Volgograd
Working at: University
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue in smooth specimens
Further focus: Fracture mechanics and fatigue
Username: cernye

Emil Černý

Born: 1990
Lives in:  
Working at: STREICHER
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Cervian

Simone Venturini

Born: 1991
Lives in: Torino, Italy
Working at: Politecnico di Torino
Current fatigue topics: Multi-axial fatigue with out-of-phase principal stresses
Further focus:  

Carlos Sousa

Born: 1978
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: cissieye

cissie ye

Born: 32
Lives in: Hubei
Working at: npu
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  

Cristian Saftescu Jescu

Born: 1984
Lives in: Timisoara
Working at: Continental Automotive
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: curtain

Huapei Wan

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: cwhitney

Christian Whitney

Born: 2037
Lives in: USA
Working at: Alion Science and Technology
Current fatigue topics: LCF, and TMF
Further focus:  
Username: daliborzeman

Dalibor Zeman

Born: 1984
Lives in: Mlada Boleslav
Working at: Aufeer Design
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: damian70

Alvaro de la Garza

Born: 1970
Lives in: Cd Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Working at: Delphi Thermal
Current fatigue topics: fatigue loads on radiator materials PA66 and AA3003
Further focus:  
Username: dammak

dammak fakhreddine

Born: 1962
Lives in: tunisia
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: ansys
Further focus:  
Username: darski

Dariusz Skibicki

Born: 1967
Lives in: Bydgoszcz, Poland
Working at: UTP University of Science and Technology
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial fatigue, fatigue life, fatigue strength
Further focus:  
Username: davideziveri

Davide Ziveri

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: dcrawford

Don Crawford

Born: 1963
Lives in: West Palm Beach, Fl, USA
Working at: Parametric Solutions, Inc.
Current fatigue topics: neuberizing component stresses
Further focus:  
Username: debarshi91

Debarshi Kumar Phukan Phukan

Born: 1991
Lives in: Stuttgart
Working at: 15150813929
Current fatigue topics: S-N Fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: dedkova

Kateřina Dědková

Born: 1983
Lives in: Brno, Czech Republic
Working at: Masaryk University, study programme Physics
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial loading of steels
Further focus:  
Username: denatik

denizhan atikkan

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: denis.benasciut

Denis Benasciutti

Born: 1975
Lives in: Ferrara
Working at: University of Ferrara
Current fatigue topics: uniaxial and multiaxial spectral methods
Further focus:  
Username: denny781118

Tu Wenhao

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: dhinakaranme

Dhinakaran Sampath

Born: 1987
Lives in: Chennai
Working at: Student
Current fatigue topics: Corrosion fatigue
Further focus: Crack closure
Username: dkindova

Dimitrina Kindova

Born: 1978
Lives in: Bulgaria, Sofiq
Working at: University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: dkozak

Drazan Kozak

Born: 1967
Lives in: Slavonski Brod, Croatia
Working at: University of Slavonski Brod
Current fatigue topics: fatigue of additively manufactured components
Further focus: fatigue and fracture of welded joints
Message: Dear Dr Jan Papuga, allow me to join this group of researchers who are dealing with fatigue and fracture of components, and particularly take part in the forum, Thank you in advance. Greetings from Croatia, Drazan Kozak
Username: dnikitin

Denis Nikitin

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: ČKD Nové Energo,a.s.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: doganer20

Doğancan Doğaner

Born: 2001
Lives in: Turkey
Working at: Istanbul Technical University Student
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: dolejnor

Norbert Dolejs

Born: 1983
Lives in: Prague, Czech Republic
Working at: Czech Technical University in Prague
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: doubrava

Karel Doubrava

Born: 1975
Lives in: Praha
Working at: ČVUT v Praze
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Dusin

Dusan Vrbka

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: dvecchiato

Daniele Vecchiato

Born: 1975
Lives in: Udine, Italy
Working at: Self employed - Ing. Daniele Vecchiato, PhD
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: dwwaddell

David Waddell

Born: 1948
Lives in: Houston, TX, USA
Working at: Computatest
Current fatigue topics: Hysteresis in Nickel Alloys
Further focus:  
Username: ebrahimalvandi

ebrahim alvandi

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: emelkulatopak

emel kula topak

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: enrico.proner

Ernico Proner

Born: 1997
Lives in: Italy
Working at: University of Ferrara
Current fatigue topics: Vibration Fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: enwol

Wolelaw Endalew

Born: 1970
Lives in: Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Working at: ARARI
Current fatigue topics: Design of composite leaf springs for fatigue loading
Further focus:  
Username: eren pehlivan

eren pehlivan

Born: 1985
Lives in: Turkey
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: esmalmahboubida

esmal dana

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Evan

Evan Fuh

Born: 1955
Lives in: Taiwan
Working at: Fullchamp Technologies Company
Current fatigue topics: Aluminum alloy of automotive wheel
Further focus: Aluminum alloy of automotive wheel
Message: Thanks for great software
Username: fatcal

Markali Jalol

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: fathi khaled

fathi khaled

Born: 1989
Lives in: tunis
Working at: student
Current fatigue topics: concrete
Further focus: yes
Username: fatigue2010


Born: 2025
Lives in: Algeria
Working at: University
Current fatigue topics: Effect of fatigue parameters loading, residual streess
Further focus: effects of repair structure by patch on FCG and residual stress
Message: In order to study phenomenon fatigue it necessary to use calculator code based on experimetal caracterisation.
Username: fatiguelover

lover fatigue

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: fedebel

Federico Bellamio

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ferenc.pinty

Ferenc Pintye

Born: 1977
Lives in: Germany
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ffontana

Fabio Fontana

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: fik

Jan Fikar

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: filip_wyrwol

Filip Wyrwol

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: LOM Praha s.p.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: filippocianetti

filippo cianetti

Born: 1965
Lives in: perugia
Working at: University of Perugia (Italy)
Current fatigue topics: Random Fatigue, Spectral methods, Non-Gaussian stress states
Further focus:  
Username: flesh

Flesh G

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:
Username: Fojtik

František Fojtík

Born: 1978
Lives in:  
Working at: VŠB - TU Ostrava
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: foroogh

foroogh hosseinzadeh

Born: 1977
Lives in: UK
Working at: Open University
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: franta

František Federer

Born: 1964
Lives in: Prague
Working at: AERO Vodochody, a.s.
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue Tests and analysis, Life Monitoring Systems
Further focus:  
Username: fweick

Florian Weick

Born: 1985
Lives in: Esslingen, Germany
Working at: Student
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial Stress
Further focus:  
Username: gabp85

Gab Pizzo

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: gaetano@eurolls

Gaetano Castro

Born: 1972
Lives in: Italy
Working at: Eurolls
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Ganesh1982k

Ganesh Acharya

Born: 1982
Lives in: Bangalore
Working at: Infosys
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ganz_e

Ganz Etienne

Born: 1974
Lives in: Switzerland
Working at: Bobst
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: gavalins

nitin gavali

Born: 1982
Lives in: india
Working at: BAL
Current fatigue topics: weld
Further focus:  
Username: GdB

Gilles de Brouwer

Born: 1969
Lives in: Cypress, California
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Ghazal Moeini

Ghazal Moeini

Born: 1988
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: giacomo.bragant

Giacomo Bragante

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: gibette00

Aileen Bowen

Born: 1988
Lives in: Czech Republic
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Gintas

Gintautas Dundulis

Born: 1961
Lives in: Kaunas
Working at: Kaunas University of Technology
Current fatigue topics: low-cycle fatigue, numerical modelling of CF, fracture mechanics
Further focus: Multiaxial fatigue
Username: giovannimorais

Giovanni Morais Teixeira

Born: 1973
Lives in: Sao Paulo (SP) - Brasil
Working at: ESSS (Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software) - ANSYS representant in South America
Current fatigue topics: I'm studying multiaxial fatigue approach in my doctor degree in UNB (Universidade de Brasilia)
Further focus:  
Username: GiovanniTX

Giovanni de Morais Teixeira

Born: 1973
Lives in: Sheffield
Working at: Dassault Systemes
Current fatigue topics: all of them
Further focus: Fracture Mechanics
Message: Hi all. I'm cooperating with PragTic Project. Open to ideas and joint efforts.
Username: giridhari

giridhari behera

Born: 1979
Lives in: india
Working at: safran
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: giuseppe.cinque

Giuseppe Cinque

Born: 1961
Lives in: Italy
Working at: GE Avio
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: gjs524597

jinsheng ge

Born: 0
Lives in: China
Working at: Continental Brake System(Shanghai)
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: Thank you very much for the magnificent job done by you.
Username: gokberkozcicek

burak gokberk ozcicek

Born: 1993
Lives in: turkiye
Working at: TEI
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: gopalp

gopal pai

Born: 1982
Lives in: india
Working at: altair india pvt ltd
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: gops75

Gopinath Venkatesan

Born: 1975
Lives in: Norman, OK
Working at: Student
Current fatigue topics: Past fatigue topics: High cycle fatigue life tests on 1-1/2 dog-bone specimens, FCGR tests on aluminum alloys, low cycle tests on bars
Further focus: I wanted to keep in touch with the topics and not forget.
Message: Jan, Thank you for sharing your efforts with others. This is really nice of you.
Username: gperpetuo

Goncalo Perpetuo

Born: 1986
Lives in: Portugal
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: graduf

Radu Florin

Born: 1977
Lives in: Romania
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: gravit

rohit jha

Born: 0
Lives in: india
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: gtorre_SBM

Giorgio Torre

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue - Contact fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: guj3ch

james guo

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: guoleo

Lei Guo

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: guoliping

Liping GUO

Born: 1979
Lives in: Beijing, China
Working at: Beijing University
Current fatigue topics: fatigue damage of cementitious composites
Further focus: Numerical simulation of concrete fatigue damage
Username: guysal

Gokalp UYSAL

Born: 1982
Lives in: Turkey
Working at: Coskunoz
Current fatigue topics: Chasis Systems
Further focus:  
Username: gyang

Gordon Yang

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: hadifi

Tarik Hadifi

Born: 1980
Lives in: Germany Hannover
Working at: Institute of Forming and Forming Machines (Leibniz University of Hannover)
Current fatigue topics: fatigue crack initiation prediction in (hot) forging dies
Further focus:  
Username: hal22

Radim Halama

Born: 1977
Lives in: Ostrava
Working at: VŠB - TU Ostrava
Current fatigue topics: low cycle fatigue
Further focus: rolling contact fatigue
Username: hanjiangbo

Jiangbo Han

Born: 1996
Lives in: China Beijing
Working at: Abaqus
Current fatigue topics: CMC
Further focus: CMC
Username: hanus

Kamil Hanus

Born: 1973
Lives in: Prague
Working at: Aero Vodochody Aerospace
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: Fakturace res spolecnost Dytron.
Username: haroun-elmir

Haroun El Mir

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: hasek

Jan Hásek

Born: 1975
Lives in:  
Working at: Aero Vodochody Aerospace
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Hassan

Hassan Alkarawi

Born: 1993
Lives in: Sweden
Working at: Chalmers univeristy of technology
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue damage modeling
Further focus: Relaxation of residual stress
Username: hausman

Jiří Hausman

Born: 1965
Lives in:  
Working at: GE Aviation Czech
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: hayka

yusuf eldo?an

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: hazemismaeel

Hazeman Radhi

Born: 1964
Lives in: UK
Working at: University lecturer
Current fatigue topics: fatigue and finite element
Further focus:  
Message: Thank you for your help
Username: hdwolf

Hongyuan Li

Born: 1985
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Henrick_Emerick

Henrick Emerick

Born: 1991
Lives in: Brazil
Working at: UFSC
Current fatigue topics: Prediction of crack iniciation and propagation life.
Further focus:  
Message: I'm a Master's student from the Federal University of Santa Catarina UFSC - Brazil. My actual research is about methods for the prediction of the fatigue crack initiation and propagation life of welded joints, especially in tubular joints. I came to know about Pragtic after reading a post from Prof. Milos Djukic about the workshop on the Thermodynamics of the Fatigue Process, which I hope I can attend. I'm also excited about exploring and learning more about the freeware.
Username: high

Lukáš Vašíček

Born: 0
Lives in: Olomouc
Working at: Dystiff s.r.o.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: hilbert

Josef Jurenka

Born: 1980
Lives in: Prague
Working at: Czech Technical University in Prague
Current fatigue topics: High cycle fatigue, Low cycle fatigue, fracture mechanics
Further focus:  
Username: hodrales

Aleš Hodr

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: holda89

Martin Holecek

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Hong CHEN


Born: 1982
Lives in: BeiJing
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: Multiaxial fatigue life prediction under variable amplitude loading
Username: houzvickar

Roman Houžvička

Born: 1981
Lives in: Prag
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: hperales

Ivan Jasso

Born: 0
Lives in: Monterrey, MX
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: hronek

Martin Hronek

Born: 1984
Lives in: Prague
Working at: Continental Automotive Czech Republic s.r.o
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: hruby

Zbyněk Hrubý

Born: 1980
Lives in: Prague, Czech Republic
Working at: Insitute of Thermomechanics, ASCR
Current fatigue topics: cyclic plasticity
Further focus: low-cycle fatigue
Message: Directional distortional hardening; Finite Element Procedures.
Username: hyronov

Harish sasidaran

Born: 1988
Lives in: waterloo Ia
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Elastic -plastic stress modelling
Further focus: thermo mechanical fatigue
Message: Hi I am an engineer currently working on correlation of thermo mechanical fatigue.
Username: chandru.v

chandru vasu

Born: 2003
Lives in: chennai
Working at: Magna closures
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Chapelin

Jose Chapela

Born: 0
Lives in: Pontevedra - Spain
Working at: Fatigue Testing Laboratory
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue in automotive components
Further focus:  


Born: 1987
Username: chintantriveni

chintan kanakiya

Born: 1974
Lives in: India
Working at: ownself
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  

Chola Elangeswaran

Born: 1989
Lives in: Belgium
Working at: KU Leuven
Current fatigue topics: Stress-based fatigue, LCF, crack initiation
Further focus: KT diagram
Username: chrisd

chris dumlao

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: christoffc@juno

Christoff Chuck

Born: 0
Lives in: USA
Working at: AS&E
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus: Low Cycle
Username: christoph_le

Christoph Leser

Born: 1963
Lives in: USA
Working at: MTS Systems Corporation
Current fatigue topics: Product Manager
Further focus:  
Username: Christopher11

Chris Poniktera

Born: 1946
Lives in: US
Working at: Industry
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: chun soo kim

chun soo kim

Born: 1963
Lives in: SKn Technopark Tech-center 15th fl., 190-1 Sangdaewon 1-dong
Working at: MIDAS IT
Current fatigue topics: Nitinol S-N Curve for fatigue analysis
Further focus:  
Username: ibkhater

ib khater ib

Born: 1976
Lives in: danmark
Working at: ik-engineering
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: icab

Born: 0
Lives in: FRANCE
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: icoria001

Ibai Coria

Born: 1991
Lives in: Spain
Working at: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Current fatigue topics: Critical plane methods and critical distances
Further focus:  
Username: ihab_elaghoury

Ihab El Aghoury

Born: 1981
Lives in:  
Working at: Concordia University
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ikerg


Born: 1976
Lives in: Bilbao. Spain
Working at: ITP, S.A.
Current fatigue topics: Aeronautic parts life assessments
Further focus:  
Message: Iam interested in evaluating he software (now for educational purposes)

Imanol Martinez Perez

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Mooring Chains
Further focus:  
Username: ingmar

Ingmar Calf

Born: 1989
Lives in: London
Working at: Student at TU Delft
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: Multiaxial cycle counting methods
Username: jacksmith456

jack smith

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: Trucking suspension
Current fatigue topics: component level fagiute life
Further focus:  
Username: jackup

Jakub Vágner

Born: 1983
Lives in: Pardubice, Opava
Working at: Univerzita Pardubice
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue tests
Further focus: Multiaxial fatigue tests
Username: jad1980

jad jelwan

Born: 1980
Lives in: australia-sydney
Working at: university of new south wales
Current fatigue topics: elastic-plastic-creep with the inclusion of fatigue
Further focus: Neuber and Glinka method , The aim is to develop those methods to obtain a new model
Username: jaganmail

Jagannathan N

Born: 1979
Lives in: India
Working at: National aerospace laboratories
Current fatigue topics: HCF, LCF, FCGR
Further focus: Composite fatigue life
Username: jakub

Jakub Rosenthal

Born: 1976
Lives in: Esslingen, Germany
Working at: University of Applied Sciences Hochschule Esslingen
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jakubchmelar

Jakub Chmelař

Born: 1989
Lives in: Dobruska, Praha
Working at: CTU in Prague, WIkov MGI
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: JakubSulc

Jakub Šulc Šulc

Born: 1996
Lives in: Mlada Boleslav
Working at: CTU in Prague
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jan

Jan Papuga

Born: 1975
Lives in: Brtnice, Czech Republic
Working at: Evektor & Czech Technical University in Prague
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: creep & fatigue interaction, random loading
Message: If you have any original papers referring to fatigue limits under multiaxial high-cycle load conditions, please, could you tell me and potentially send me a scan or copy? I would like to create an accessible database of results of different computational methods. Currently I am more specifically interested in notched specimens or loading in different frequencies. But every original is welcomed - there are so many reproduction errors everywhere.
Username: jana.smolikova

Jana Smolikova

Born: 1981
Lives in: Plzen
Working at: ZF Engineering Plzeň s.r.o
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: janschelstraete

Jan Schelstraete

Born: 1979
Lives in: Wichelen
Working at: Indurium Engineering Services
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jara.kasparek

Jaroslav Kašpárek

Born: 1977
Lives in: Brno
Working at: VUT v Brn
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jaromir.fumfera

Jaromír Fumfera

Born: 1987
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jayeshdave72287

jayesh dave

Born: 1975
Lives in: rajkot
Working at: automotive industries
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: i am interested to know about fatigue life
Username: JGRANDE

Juan Grande

Born: 1992
Lives in: Colombia
Working at: Valley University
Current fatigue topics: Turbomachinery fatigue failure analysis
Further focus: Multiaxial fatigue models for life assesment of turbomachines
Username: Jian

Jian Wang

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Jinda

Petr Jinda

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Jindrich Princ

Jindřich Princ

Born: 1984
Lives in: Ceske Budejovice
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jiri had

Jiří Had

Born: 1982
Lives in: Putkov
Working at: Prag
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Jiri Kuzelka

Jiří Kuželka

Born: 1981
Lives in: Prague
Working at: CTU
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jiri.ragulik

Jiří Rágulík

Born: 1994
Lives in: Březno
Working at: TUL
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Jirri

Jiří Pavlas

Born: 1980
Lives in: Praha
Working at: VZLU, a.s.
Current fatigue topics: Research and Design
Further focus:  
Username: jitheshnamboodi

Jithesh Erancheri

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: JK

Jakub Korbel

Born: 1979
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: JKO

Jiří Kovařík

Born: 1945
Lives in: Plzen
Working at: MECAS ESI
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jkorf

Jaroslav Korf

Born: 0
Lives in: Liberec
Working at: VUTS
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jlopaur

Josef Lopaur

Born: 0
Lives in: Plzeň
Working at: SKODA JS a.s. Plzeň
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: joaopfs

Joao Pedro

Born: 0
Lives in: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Working at: Mechanical Engineering
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: mamiya and araujo criterium
Message: I would like to particate in this site to be able to access the database of multiaxial experiments
Username: joe.sedlak

Josef Sedlák

Born: 1986
Lives in: Kudlovice
Working at: VSB-TUO
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: joergschnell@we

Schnell Joerg

Born: 2068
Lives in: Germany
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: John Yates

John Yates

Born: 1959
Lives in: UK
Working at: ePT
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: johnjeyaprakash

john jeya prakash prakash

Born: 1987
Lives in: tuticorin
Working at: student
Current fatigue topics: fatigue analysis of fatigue crack closure
Further focus: finite element analysis of plasticity induced fatigue crack closure
Message: hi i am PG scholar doin my project on finite element analysis on plasticity induced fatigue crack closure . i need ur help in doing that project in succesion
Username: Johnyx

Jan Kozička

Born: 1986
Lives in: Brezno/ SVK
Working at: university student
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: JoilsonFaller

Joilson Faller

Born: 2001
Lives in: Nova Santa Rita, Brazil
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial Fatigue
Further focus:  
Message: I'm gonna use this program for academic purpuses.
Username: jojobutn

Jozef Bucha

Born: 1979
Lives in: Trencin, Slovakia
Working at: Slovak Technical University in Bratislava
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: joseduo

jose duo

Born: 1978
Lives in: argentina
Working at: IMPSA
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial
Further focus: environmental fatigue
Message: Hi, I am fairly new in the subject! Thanks!
Username: Josef


Born: 1981
Lives in: Zdar nad Sazavou
Working at: Zdas a.s.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Josef Kellner

Josef Kellner

Born: 1981
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: josef_reznicek

Josef Řezníček

Born: 1970
Lives in: Prague
Working at: Aero Vodochody, a.s.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: JOST

Jozef Jošt

Born: 1983
Lives in:  
Working at: ŽU v Žiline, SvF
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jps56

prem shankar

Born: 1956
Lives in: chennai- India
Working at: Nissan ashokleyland
Current fatigue topics: strees analisis ,
Further focus:  
Username: jralbinmousa

Jafar Albinmousa

Born: 1981
Lives in: Saudi Arabia
Working at: King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Current fatigue topics: Damage model, multiaxial, low cycle fatigue, fatigue of notch
Further focus:  
Username: jsujan

Jozef Sujan

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jujuf1

Jo Jo

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jumin2

Dong-Hyong Lee

Born: 1966
Lives in: Seoul
Working at: railroad research
Current fatigue topics: fretting fatigue
Further focus: wear and fatigue
Message: Thanks !!!
Username: JWvanBergen

Jan van Bergen

Born: 1958
Lives in: Voorburg, Netherlands
Working at: Ministry of Defense, DMO (Royal Netherlands Navy)
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue estimation of M-frigates
Further focus: 4d-fatigue (research program of Prof. Kaminsky, TU-Delft)
Message: I'm dealing with fatigue issues every now and then, but it's not a main (continuous) topic. I'm planning to do strain measurements on our M-frigates for multiple years (performed by an external company). Fatigue requirements are part of the Program of Requirements for every new ship. I intend to look into the Pragtic software to experiment with it, and hopefully, to see if it can be of use.
Username: kadirzdemir

Kadir Özdemir

Born: 1980
Lives in: Turkey
Working at: Simutek Solutions
Current fatigue topics: Crack
Further focus:  
Username: KajaP

Karel Petr

Born: 1982
Lives in: Prague
Working at: Czech Technical University in Prague
Current fatigue topics: gears
Further focus: gears
Username: kajmos

Jiří Rind

Born: 1983
Lives in: Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Working at: Czech Technical University in Prague, Fac. of Mech. Engng.
Current fatigue topics: connecting rod, diploma work
Further focus:  
Username: kakarruta

J Mar

Born: 1975
Lives in: Spain
Working at: Spain
Current fatigue topics: DTA
Further focus: DTA
Username: kalki

Scott Whittle

Born: 1973
Lives in: Ohio
Working at: Goodrich
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: kamalakarrao

Kamalakarrao vvs

Born: 1964
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: karepato


Born: 1970
Lives in: Kostelec nad Labem
Working at: IPP
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: karmrip

Zhanming Wang

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: kartheesan

K Kartheesa

Born: 1985
Lives in: UK
Working at: Student
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: karthikeyanm86

Karthikeyan Mohan

Born: 1986
Lives in: India
Working at: GMTC-I
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: kashoo

Dr. Muhamamd Kashif Khan Khan

Born: 1977
Lives in: Chengdu, China
Working at: Sichuan University
Current fatigue topics: Very High Cycle Fatigue
Further focus: Low cycle fatigue
Username: Kcis

Krzysztof Cis

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: keiten

Karel Zinke

Born: 1985
Lives in:  
Working at: Wacker Neuson
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: keith.hitchman

Keith Hitchman

Born: 0
Lives in: Washington, USA
Working at: Fatigue Technology
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue and Residual Stress
Further focus:  
Username: kevinzh2010

Kevin Zhou

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Khvostunkov

Kirill Khvostunkov

Born: 1970
Lives in: Chernogolovka
Working at: Composite Fracture mechanics
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: kinoko

duangporn ounpanich

Born: 1969
Lives in: Thailand
Working at: TISTR
Current fatigue topics: Frettinf Fatigue behavior of High Strength Low Alloy Steel
Further focus: Fatigue performance of automotive component
Username: kjw2852


Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: kls

KrishnaLok Singh

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: knalain


Born: 1983
Lives in: Cameroun
Working at: University of Ngaoundéré
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: knembo

riccardo bognanni

Born: 1971
Lives in: mestre
Working at: personal
Current fatigue topics: none
Further focus: none
Username: kobbara

Mohamed Khalifa

Born: 1974
Lives in: Bucharest
Working at: University Politehnica of Bucharest
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: kpc1980

krishna charka

Born: 1980
Lives in: india
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: its nice to see the tool which is focusing and doing Research work on Fatigue.. i am much interested into fatigue simulation. I hope this will help to gain some knowledge about fatigue.
Username: kraz

Karel Ráž

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: University of West Bohemia
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: krishna

Krishna Singh

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: kubak

Jindrich Kubak

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Kumar

Kumaravel B

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: KurtD

Kurt Doidge

Born: 1989
Lives in: New Plymouth,New Zealand
Working at: TDTECH
Current fatigue topics: Reversing bending stresses in operating drill pipe
Further focus:  
Username: kvuckov

Kresimir Vuckovic

Born: 1976
Lives in: Zagreb
Working at: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial nonproportional fatigue in gears
Further focus:  
Username: labajvitezslav

Vítězslav Labaj

Born: 1986
Lives in: T?inec
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: LadislavOlsiak

Ladislav Olšiak

Born: 1980
Lives in: Zvolen
Working at: Continental Automotive System
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: laoyin

yin mu

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Lasse

Lasse Sahlberg-Nielsen

Born: 1987
Lives in: Denmark
Working at: DNV GL
Current fatigue topics: HCF
Further focus: HCF
Username: Laszlo

Laszlo Ivan

Born: 0
Lives in: Brno
Working at: SVSFEM
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: lcgokul

gokul lc

Born: 1983
Lives in: india
Working at: student
Current fatigue topics: fatigue on spot weld joint
Further focus:  
Username: LeiGan


Born: 0
Further focus:  
Username: Lidka Adamkova

Ludmila Adamkova

Born: 1963
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: limosn

limosn s

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: linje

InJe Cho

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: linkwray60

Trey Turner

Born: 2025
Lives in: Texas
Working at: Pope Oil Tool Company
Current fatigue topics: All
Further focus: Any
Username: Liu1989


Born: 1989
Lives in: Beijing,China
Working at: BUAA
Current fatigue topics: Study of the 30CrMnSiA steel under multiaxial loads
Further focus: Fracture analysis
Username: liuyx_6

Yuxuan Liu

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ljk05

jk li

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: LLM

Luis LopezMartinez

Born: 0
Lives in: Netherlands
Working at: LETS Global
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue Design Methods for improved welds
Further focus:  
Username: lmcmaster

Larry McMaster

Born: 1965
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: locomotive

Mehmet Ali Ozcan

Born: 1990
Lives in: Istanbul
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Fatgiue analyses of structures
Further focus:  
Username: loginix

Pietro Cornelio

Born: 1966
Lives in: Italy
Working at: Loginix Technologies
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: I am an friend of Ing. Antonio Calabro at CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Center. I am interested convert source code of the Pragtic project for GNU/Linux and Apple Mac OS X Unix system.
Username: londryas

Ladislav Ondryáš

Born: 1974
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus: safety and reliability of aircrafts
Username: lorenzo68

lorenzo architetto

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Louwrens

Louwrens Cuperus

Born: 1989
Lives in: South Africa
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: lpalomera

Luis Rodrigo Palomera

Born: 1982
Lives in: Mexico City, DF
Working at: Nissan Mexicana
Current fatigue topics: Car Body Structure; Powertrain
Further focus:  
Username: lucasantoro

Luca Santoro

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: lukasnes

Lukáš Nešpůrek

Born: 1975
Lives in: Praha
Working at: Ingersoll-Rand R&D Praha, Florianova 2460, 253 01 Hostivice
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue of automotive components, random fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: lukasz

Lukasz Maciejewski

Born: 1978
Lives in: Wroclaw, Poland
Working at: Nobo Solutions S.A.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  

Łukasz Pejkowski

Born: 1986
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: luksuc

Lukas Suchy

Born: 0
Lives in: Chemnitz
Working at: Technische Universität Chemnitz
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: lukys

Lukáš Stuna

Born: 1979
Lives in: Plzeň
Working at: VZÚ Plzeň
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: lunangel

Luna Ngeljaratan

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: lutovmax

Maxim Lutovinov

Born: 1988
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: luujg

lu jianguo

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  

Michael Wein

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: m.jasurek

Milan Jašurek

Born: 1994
Lives in: Liberec
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: maccaferri

Davide Maccaferri

Born: 1974
Lives in: Italy
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: madfish

yu shuo

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Mage

Mage Ramesh

Born: 1980
Lives in: Zurich
Working at: Student
Current fatigue topics: Thermomechanical fatigue
Further focus: fatigue creep interactions
Username: magnus


Born: 1967
Lives in: Ngaoundere - CAMEROON
Working at: IUT / University of Ngaoundere - CAMEROON
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: Fatigue of composites
Username: MaiLi

Mai Li

Born: 1992
Lives in: China
Working at: Peking University
Current fatigue topics: Asset Pricing
Further focus:  
Username: majidfatima

Fatima MAJID

Born: 1987
Lives in: Morocco
Working at: university student
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: thanks
Username: major

Štěpán Major

Born: 1977
Lives in: Červený Kostelec, Czech Republic
Working at: The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - Academy of Science; The Institute of Biophysics
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial Fatigue and Fractography, Biomechanics and Medical Engeneering - Fatigue Degradation of Implants
Further focus:  
Username: maki

Martin Laštovka

Born: 1984
Lives in: Ostrava
Working at: TATRA TRUCKS a.s.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: maneagrosu

manea grosu

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: manojsinghkiran

Manoj Kumar

Born: 1983
Lives in: Kanpur ,India
Working at: IIT Kanpur
Current fatigue topics: Damage due to Fatigue load
Further focus: Creep fatigue
Username: marcello

marzin marcello

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: marclamp1

Marc Lamparelli

Born: 0
Lives in: USA
Working at: Spectral Dynamics
Current fatigue topics: Time domain, PSD, Vibration Testing
Further focus:  
Username: marco.campo

Marco Antonio Campo

Born: 1978
Lives in: Marín , Pontevedra, Spain
Working at: Centro Universitario de la Defensa (CUD). Escuela Naval Militar
Current fatigue topics: HCF, LCF, Fatigue parameter estimation, Accelerated Fatigue testing
Further focus: Thermomechanical fatigue, vibration fatigue
Username: marcofaretra

Marco Faretra

Born: 1977
Lives in: Italy
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: marcos_delso

Marcos Delso

Born: 1985
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Marimar

Maria del Mar Binaburo

Born: 1973
Lives in: Spain
Working at: Fundacion cetena - citean
Current fatigue topics: fatigue prediction
Further focus: fatigue test
Username: marinerqc1234

kemal somun

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mariomalnati

Mario Malnati

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: MarkH007

Mark Holcomb

Born: 1955
Lives in: San DIego
Working at: UTC
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatiuge
Further focus: with mean stress
Username: Markus

Marek Hejman

Born: 1970
Lives in: Zruc-Senec
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: marlonmem

Marlon Marchi

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: marshall

marshall marshall

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Martin

Martin FUSEK

Born: 1976
Lives in:  
Working at: VŠB - TU Ostrava
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: martin.hermann

Martin Hermann

Born: 1996
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: martin.janda@fs

Martin Janda

Born: 1987
Lives in: Prague
Working at: Czech Technical University
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial analyzis
Further focus:  
Username: martin.plojhar

Martin Plojhar

Born: 1978
Lives in: Brno
Working at: Ekol s.r.o.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: martinkadlec

Martin Kadlec

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: masood

Masood Hajali

Born: 1985
Lives in: United State
Working at: Florida International University
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mastous

Marie Koptikova

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: Výzkumný a zkušební ústav Plzeň s.r.o.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: matteocova

Matteo Cova

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mattmosko719

Matthew Mosko

Born: 1983
Lives in: Louisville, OH
Working at: Chester Hoist
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: matula

Vojtech Kristek

Born: 1985
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: MatusM

Matus Margetin

Born: 1983
Lives in: Bratislava
Working at: SjF STUBA
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue of notched components
Further focus:  
Username: matusplis

Matus Plis

Born: 1986
Lives in: Slovakia
Working at: evektor
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: maugustyniak

Marek Augustyniak

Born: 1979
Lives in: Gdańsk
Working at: Gdansk Univ. of Technology
Current fatigue topics: LCF, and multiaxial HCF
Further focus: crack propagation in FEA
Username: mava96

Miguel Vargas

Born: 1978
Lives in: Prague
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial fatigue analysis
Further focus: multiaxial fatigue analysis
Username: MaxMorgenstern

Beck Alexander

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mb@pragtic

Martin Becker

Born: 1976
Lives in: Germany
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial fatigue, thermomechanical fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: mdieguez

Manuel Dieguez

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: HCF and LCF at high temperature, multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: thermomechanical multiaxial fatigue
Username: mechanical34yil

erdal kısa

Born: 1989
Lives in: turkey
Working at: student
Current fatigue topics: analysis
Further focus:  
Username: mechanicaldesig

Predoiu Ionut

Born: 1981
Lives in: Timisoara Romania
Current fatigue topics: Comparison between hand calculus of fatigue and FEM calculus
Further focus: Fracture under fatigue, Stress intensity factor, Dynamic load from fatigue study
Username: mechzar

abuzar quraishi

Born: 1982
Lives in: india
Working at: self employed
Current fatigue topics: fatigue life prediction for cast components
Further focus: fatigue life prediction for cast components
Message: hi, wish to be a member.
Username: melters

Mikkel Melters Pedersen

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: MENHJ

haojie men

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mesjzhang

martin zhang

Born: 1978
Lives in: china
Working at: scut
Current fatigue topics: high cycle fatigue
Further focus: damage prediction
Username: mestanek

Petr Mestanek

Born: 1984
Lives in: Plzen, CZ
Working at: UWB, SKODA POWER
Current fatigue topics: low cycle fatigue
Further focus: multiaxial fatigue, fatigue in composites
Username: mha012

Thomas James

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: MiguelMC

Miguel Muniz

Born: 1987
Lives in: Gijon-Spain
Working at: University of Oviedo
Current fatigue topics: Probabilistic Fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: michailleventis

Michail Leventis

Born: 1957
Lives in: Germany
Working at: Ricardo Deutschland GmbH
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue Calculation using Finite Element Programs
Further focus: Distributed Damage Methods for Crack Propagation Calculation
Username: michalboehm

Michał Böhm

Born: 1985
Lives in: Poland
Working at: Opole University of Technology
Current fatigue topics: Mean stress effects,
Further focus:  

Michele Floridia

Born: 1987
Lives in: Italy
Working at: Politecnico di Torino
Current fatigue topics: Rail FAtigue resistance
Further focus:  
Username: michielvn

Michiel van Nesselrooij

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mikel

mikel abasolo

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: university of the basque country (UPV/EHU)
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mikibl

Mirso Mag

Born: 1962
Lives in: Sydney
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mikkal

Michal Šofer

Born: 1984
Lives in: Hlučín (Ostrava)
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mikycampo

Michele Camposaragna

Born: 1973
Lives in: Italy
Working at: Enginsoft spa
Current fatigue topics: Critical plane approach as per API 579 2016
Further focus:  
Username: Milan

Milan Růžička

Born: 1955
Lives in: Prague, Czech Republic
Working at: Czech Technical University in Prague
Current fatigue topics: local approaches in fatigue calculation
Further focus: multiaxial fatigue, composites
Username: Milan_Dvorak

Milan Dvořák

Born: 1980
Lives in: Czech republic
Working at: FME CTU in Prague
Current fatigue topics: Damage tolerance, SHM methods
Further focus:  
Username: milan.sapieta@f

Milan Sapieta

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: UNIZA
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: min38iki

samad hasan zadeh

Born: 1981
Lives in: tabiz-irN
Working at: AMIRNIA
Current fatigue topics: 41CR4 34CR4 CK45
Further focus: 20MN5 AF52
Message: Dear Sir We are large oem and purchase some ball stud (uses in steering system) with 41cr4 material , but our supplier choose wrong material which is 34cr4 and we encounter problem to use this parts for oem products ,we can not understand difference between 41cr4 and 34cr4 mechanical properties ,also are this material can be replace of 41cr4 or not ? Also we don?t have enough information about fatigue result ,if we use parts with 34cr4! We hope you can help me in this manner as soon as possible. Best Regards Sam Ramadan General Manager Tel:0098 411 3344660 Fax: 0098 411 4471081 Email Yahoo ID: sam_aast MSN ID :
Username: mirec

Miroslav Spodniak

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: MirekSV

Dalík Miroslav

Born: 0
Lives in: Prague
Working at: CVUT (CTU) - student
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mmjan72

jan mm

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mmnakhla@csu.fu

Mario M Nakhla

Born: 1982
Lives in: USA
Working at: Student
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mmujumdar

Milind Mujumdar

Born: 1965
Lives in: Pune
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue Life Prediction of Aircraft Engine Components, Durability Auutomotive Powertrain & Driveline Systems.
Further focus: Cycle Counting Techniques, LCF, Residual Life Prediction, Fracture Mechanics
Username: mmultazaam

multazaam multazaam

Born: 1990
Lives in: Malaysia
Working at: student
Current fatigue topics: finding the cyclic loading on rotorcraft
Further focus:  
Message: what related document that i need, in my thesis.?
Username: mohammad_d66

mohammad davari

Born: 1987
Lives in: mahshahr
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mohammadhadi

Mohammad Hadi Hafezi

Born: 1984
Lives in: Malaysia
Working at: National University of Malaysia
Current fatigue topics: Residual stress effect on fatigue damage and crack growth and calculations of internal stresses/strain.
Further focus: To devise a new theory for calculating damage when the mechanical structure/components are subjected to random vibrations
Message: I would like to collaborate with you, for preparing a paper in the related conferences.
Username: Mohammed

Mohammed Abouelfotoh

Born: 1990
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: Thanks for your efforts
Username: mohanraj.R

mohanraj rajendran

Born: 1982
Lives in: india
Working at: sona college of technology
Current fatigue topics: fatigue analysis of solid cylindrical roller
Further focus: hollow cylindrical roller
Message: i would like to thank you for your engineering services.
Username: mohitdme

Dr. Mohit Pant

Born: 1980
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: morerajs

Rajendra More

Born: 1981
Lives in: Pune
Working at: Mahindra Navistar Automotives Ltd
Current fatigue topics: strain based fatigue testing and analysis
Further focus:  
Username: moteanej

Moteane John Mnguni

Born: 0
Lives in: South Africa
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  


Born: 1980
Lives in: TUNISIA
Current fatigue topics: LASER SHOCK PEENING
Message: i have some interest about your site. and i would like to be a privilaged member.
Username: mouradben

BEN Mourad

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mouradbenabde

Mourad ben

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: moxuelang

Jing Li

Born: 1985
Lives in: China
Working at: university
Current fatigue topics: low fatigue life prediction
Further focus: low fatigue life prediction
Username: mpecha

Marek Pecha

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mrazekj

Jiří Mrázek

Born: 1982
Lives in: Prague
Working at: CVUT
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: mssabsabi

Mohamad Sabsabi

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: nadiah2000

nadia hussein

Born: 1975
Lives in: pakistian
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: new treatment
Further focus: yes
Message: very good site and producure to cure fatigue
Username: nahlik

Luboš Náhlík

Born: 1975
Lives in: Brno, Czech Republic
Working at: Institute of Physics of Materials, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (UFM AV CR, v.v.i.)
Current fatigue topics: fatigue criteria, fracture mechanics, education
Further focus: fatigue criteria, fracture mechanics, education
Username: nandhu.r

Nandhu.R r

Born: 1978
Lives in: India
Working at: Eng. Des. Service
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue on cermic materials
Further focus:  
Message: eager to explore
Username: naoki

naoki kawakami

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: napoleonm

napoleon motaban

Born: 1971
Lives in: UK
Working at: veebee filtration
Current fatigue topics: fea fatigue analysis
Further focus:  
Username: narayanrs

Ram Narayanan

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: natan_yo

natan hermawan

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  

Nikhil Sharma

Born: 1979
Lives in: TX
Working at: unemployed
Current fatigue topics: Elastomers
Further focus:  
Username: nerork

nicola prigigallo

Born: 1980
Lives in: italy
Working at: nobody
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Niccel567


Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: nico40

Domenico Quaranta

Born: 1972
Lives in: Switzerland
Working at: Pilatus Aircraft
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: Multiaxial fatigue
Username: nidhee

nihar shukla

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Nikola

Nikola Schmidová

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: niloykhutia


Born: 1977
Current fatigue topics: LCF, HCF, RATCHETING
Username: nimacivil

mojtaba fallahi

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: NimaiB

Nimai Bibbo

Born: 1991
Lives in: Denmark
Working at: University of Southern Denmark and Lindø Offshore Renewables Center
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: nlavery

Nick Lavery

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: nuovo65

Giovanni Tassara

Born: 1965
Lives in: Italy
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Ship fatigue analysis
Further focus:  
Username: obdrzalek

Vít Obdržálek

Born: 1980
Lives in: Jihlava/Brno, Czech Republic
Working at: Bosch Diesel s.r.o.
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial fatigue of steels and aluminium alloys (fatigue of polymers and composites)
Further focus:  
Username: ognjen75

Ognjen Matic

Born: 1975
Lives in: United Kingdom
Working at: Dearman
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: Ohřej

Ondřej Šimek

Born: 0
Lives in: Czech Republic
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Omarjjd37stress

Omar Jair Juarez

Born: 1983
Lives in: Mexico
Working at: Bombardier
Current fatigue topics: S-N curve method for life prediction, Damage tolerance analysis,Durability margins
Further focus:  
Message: I am interested to learn about fatigue a DT analysis for aircraft.
Username: othman

Othman Bouazoth

Born: 1963
Lives in: Algeria
Working at: Univeristy
Current fatigue topics: low cycle fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: oudadw

wahid unique

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: oyster14

Guanshi Wang

Born: 1996
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: padovzde

Zdenek Padovec

Born: 1983
Lives in: Prague
Working at: CTU
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ParisA

Paris Altidis

Born: 1958
Lives in: Illinois, USA
Working at: Belcan Corp
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial Fatigue, PSD-based fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: parisa58

Paul Arrinson

Born: 1958
Lives in: US
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Thermomechanical, Multiaxial
Further focus:  
Username: parmasla

Slavomír Parma

Born: 1984
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: parowake

Tomas Luengo

Born: 1984
Lives in: Madrid (Spain)
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue (HCF)
Further focus: LCF & creep
Username: partenope

Antonio Calabro'

Born: 1961
Lives in: Italy
Working at: CIRA
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: Bye Bye and see you soon in CESAR Project !!!
Username: Pascal_Pitz

Pascal Pitz

Born: 1982
Lives in: Germany
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Pavel Fiser

Pavel Fiser

Born: 1954
Lives in: Czech Republic
Working at: Vibration Research
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue Damage Spectrum
Further focus: Acceleration Vibration Test
Username: Pavel Syrovatka

Pavel Syrovátka

Born: 1984
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: PavelHenzl

Pavel Henzl

Born: 1965
Lives in: Kralupy n. Vl.
Working at: Aero Vodochody a.s.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: paweltos

pawel tos

Born: 1977
Lives in: poland
Working at: tech univ
Current fatigue topics: fatigue analysis
Further focus:  
Username: pbaludesign

Balasubramani Palanisamy

Born: 1981
Lives in: India
Working at: Research Scholar
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue
Further focus: Fretting Fatigue
Username: pedramgmg

pedram gmg

Born: 2025
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: pehy66

Petr Hynek

Born: 1966
Lives in: Svin?tice
Working at: Bosch
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: pep

giuseppe boscarato

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: peppe_five

Giuseppe Cinque

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: perzo84

Konrad Perzyński

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: peter_hankoczy

Peter Hankoczy

Born: 1982
Lives in: Budapest
Working at: ZF Hungary
Current fatigue topics: gearbox houses
Further focus:  
Username: peterkopas

Peter Kopas

Born: 1977
Lives in: Zilina
Working at: University of Zilina
Current fatigue topics: HCF
Further focus: Multiaxial Fatigue
Username: peterseid

Peter Seid

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: petrgal

Petr Gál

Born: 1988
Lives in: Praha
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: petrile_83

Petri Lehto

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: petrpejchal

Petr Pejchal

Born: 1979
Lives in: Dlouhe, Czech Rep.
Working at: Skoda-auto & Evektor & Brno University of Technology
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial fatigue, contact fatigue
Further focus: fracture mechanics
Message: Phd student - fatigue of railway wheel and rail

Petr Vokáč

Born: 1961
Lives in: Strakonice
Working at: ČZ Řetězy, s.r.o.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: philip399

xiaojun shao

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: pierre_at_qr

Pierre Burry

Born: 1979
Lives in: London
Working at: Quietrevolution
Current fatigue topics: Random loading, multiaxial fatigue, spectral methods
Further focus:  
Username: pizino1

Junwei Chen

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: pkonopik

Pavel Konopík

Born: 1981
Lives in: Plzen
Working at: COMTES FHT
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: pomyeah

Pommier Nicolas

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: poojatarunjain

pooja jain

Born: 1979
Lives in: mumbai
Working at: ALLSEAS
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: pooya_azizi

pooya azizi

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: popelkaj

Jaroslav Popelka

Born: 1984
Lives in: Prievidza
Working at: STU Sjf Bratislava
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: pourya.noury

Pourya Noury

Born: 1984
Lives in: Luleå, Sweden
Working at: Luleå University of Technology (LTU)
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: powerxun

Zhou Xun

Born: 1978
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: pravinkul

Pravin Kulkarni

Born: 0
Lives in: India
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus: wind turbine blade wind fatigue
Message: Please create my account
Username: prz031

Jana Przeczková

Born: 1987
Lives in: Ostrava
Working at: student - katedra pružnosti a pevnosti
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Przemek

Przemysław Wędrychowicz

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ptendulkar

Prakash Tendulkar

Born: 1958
Lives in: Navi Mumbai , Maharastra, India
Working at: DP World Nhava Sheva
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: I wanted to know about GG20 MATERIAL, its properties and its equivalent in EN
Username: putanowr

Roman Putanowicz

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: Cracow University of Technology
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: pvsunil

Sunil Kumar P V

Born: 1974
Lives in: India
Working at: Quality engineering software technology
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: Multi axial fatigue
Username: pychina777

peng yun

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: qingshan

qingshan xiao

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: qnassar

Qussay Nassar

Born: 1975
Lives in: Netherlands
Working at: HFG Engineering
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: r.grothaus

Raimund Grothaus

Born: 1968
Lives in: Dresden
Working at: EAST-4D
Current fatigue topics: Composites
Further focus:  
Username: Radamez

Ramses Sala

Born: 1982
Lives in: Firenze
Working at: Università di Firenze
Current fatigue topics: Structural durability in vehicle optimization
Further focus:  
Message: Thanks for making the program freeware.
Username: Radek

Radek Baran

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: raimundoamorim

raimundo amorim

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: 16981290628
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Rajesh00

Rajesh Kumar

Born: 1976
Lives in: Perth, Australia
Working at: International Maritime consultants
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ramamet

Ramanathan Perumal

Born: 1986
Lives in: Karlsruhe Germany
Working at: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Current fatigue topics: ODS steel development
Further focus:  
Message: Dear Sir, I am currently doing my phd on microstructural modeling of ODS steels and would like to learn your software which could support my thesis in future. Thank you Regards, Ramanathan
Username: ramana_nit

Ramana Podugu

Born: 1976
Lives in: India
Working at: Clyde pumps India praivate limited.
Current fatigue topics: Fatigur crack propogaion analysis
Further focus:  
Message: Hi, This is ramana , working for clydepumps Inida private limited, I am doing my research in fracture mechanics.
Username: ramon.maj

ramon maj

Born: 1968
Lives in: Milan
Working at: TELEMA
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ramonmission

ramkumar arsamy

Born: 1985
Lives in: india
Working at: altro cad works
Current fatigue topics: crack in gears
Further focus:  
Username: ran_baba

Ranjit Babar

Born: 1976
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: rasov24

Martin Nesládek

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: Czech Technical University in Prague
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: raviengineer

ravi patel

Born: 1981
Lives in: india
Working at: education
Current fatigue topics: failure analysis of shaft
Further focus: Fatigue in LCF
Message: Dear,
Username: ravikd

Ravi Dhulipalla

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ravipenmetsa

Ravi Penmetsa

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: raviraj

Ravi kumar Lingaraj

Born: 0
Lives in: INDIA
Working at: GM
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: RDRocha

Roberval Rocha

Born: 1968
Lives in: Brazil
Working at: ZF do Brasil
Current fatigue topics: Lifetime Calculation
Further focus:  
Username: realityboy

Pengwei Zhang

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: redrummond

Ross Drummond

Born: 1986
Lives in:  
Working at: University of Strathclyde
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: redya

tsing sue

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: remusiserban

Serban Remus Ioan

Born: 1953
Lives in: Romania
Working at: University of Sibiu
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: rghelichi

Ramin Ghelichi

Born: 1980
Lives in: Milano, Italy
Working at: Politecnico di Milano
Current fatigue topics: Shape optimization based on multi axial fatigue criteria
Further focus: Lui-Zenner Method and other multi-axial fatigue criteria
Username: rhardin

Richard Hardin

Born: 1962
Lives in: Iowa City
Working at: University of Iowa
Current fatigue topics: Effects of porosity, inclusions and hot tears of performance and durability of steel castings
Further focus:  
Message: I am a user of fe safe and am curious to learn more about your fatigue life prediction software.
Username: riad amir

Amiri riad

Born: 1989
Lives in: algeria
Working at: university
Current fatigue topics: fatigue bone cement
Further focus:  
Message: hi to all
Username: RiccardoCenni

Riccardo Cenni

Born: 1987
Lives in: Italy
Working at: UniMoRe
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: rik463

Shiv Ashis

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ritterbusch

Rafael Ritterbusch

Born: 1982
Lives in: Stuttgart, Germany
Working at: Student
Current fatigue topics: Diplomathesis
Further focus:  
Username: rkolejak

Robert Kolejak

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: Tatravagonka Poprad
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: RobertoIR

Roberto Isoppo Rodrigues

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: robinroy

Robin Roy Ponnaiyan

Born: 1979
Lives in: India
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: robupb

robert c.c. robert

Born: 1985
Lives in: bucharest
Working at: bucharest
Current fatigue topics: study/research
Further focus: study/research
Username: rocknic85

Nicholas Corbari

Born: 1985
Lives in: Parma
Working at: University of Parma
Current fatigue topics: New approach to multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: Setting parameters for new approach
Message: Fatigue Made Easy
Username: rodpinna

Rod Pinna

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: Arup
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Rogerio_Moreira

Rogério Moreira

Born: 1991
Lives in: Lisbon
Working at: Instituto Superior Técnico
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial Fatigue
Further focus: Low Cycle Fatigue
Username: Rohit Bhagate

Rohit Bhagate

Born: 1985
Lives in: Pune
Working at: Magna Steyr
Current fatigue topics: Transient Fatigue
Further focus: Random Frequency based Fatigue
Username: romek

Pawel Romanowicz

Born: 0
Lives in: Cracow
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: rons

Ron Soule

Born: 1980
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: roshanraj

roshan dsouza

Born: 1988
Lives in: banagalore
Working at: l & t komtsu ltd
Current fatigue topics: fatigue life estimation
Further focus: s-n curves
Message: Hello i m doing project in fatigue life estimation . i would like get the fatigue properties of some materials.
Username: rowilcox

Robert Wilcox

Born: 1964
Lives in: Woodstock, NY
Working at: Robert B. Wilcox, P.E.
Current fatigue topics: Using FEA results for strain based life prediction
Further focus: Life prediction for maraging steels
Message: Thank you for making this database available.
Username: rpsarathy87

parthasarathy ravi

Born: 1986
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: rtcfrotajr

Roberto Frota Junior

Born: 1980
Lives in: Sumare - Sao Paulo - Brazil
Working at: Villares Metals SA
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Rtinek

Martin Rund

Born: 1988
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: ruyfrota

Ruy Frota

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: rvafadar

reza vafadari

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: rwalders

Roger Waldersen

Born: 1947
Lives in: Phoenix AZ
Working at: Belcan
Current fatigue topics: LCF
Further focus:  
Username: rwtechno50

Ronald White

Born: 1961
Lives in: Memphis, TN
Working at: Medtronic Spine & Biologics
Current fatigue topics: High Cycle fatigue of spinal fixation constructs; computational FE simulation
Further focus: Fatigue as it relates to compliance of fastened joints
Username: S.Ardyna

Ardyna simon

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: s.milani

Stefano Milani

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: s.vantadori

Sabrina Vantadori

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: sabrina.vantado

Sabrina Vantadori

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: sagar_desai

Sagar Desai

Born: 1992
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: sachinmestry

sachin mestry

Born: 1979
Lives in: India
Working at: Masters in Engg
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial fatigue
Further focus: non proportional loading
Username: saime343

sai guru govind peddiraju

Born: 1991
Lives in: bengaluru
Working at: vit university
Current fatigue topics: roller contact
Further focus:  
Username: saint

Kurt Bleiker

Born: 1976
Lives in: Switzerland
Working at: CEKA
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: sairamanaa

Murugan Ramasamy

Born: 1973
Lives in: Chennai, India
Working at: Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur,602117
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: I am doing PhD on fatigue characteristics of FRP composite materials
Username: sam

sam lin

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: sarora

shitij arora

Born: 1985
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: sarra

haouala sarra

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: scottr99

Scott Richardson

Born: 1961
Lives in: North Carolina, USA
Working at: Husqvarna
Current fatigue topics: HCF with metals & polymers
Further focus: continuition of above
Message: Thank you very much.
Username: Semihagca

Semih Ağca

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: sesana

raffaella sesana

Born: 0
Lives in: Italy
Working at: Politecnico di Torino
Current fatigue topics: HCF, LCF, TMF, damage, life estimation
Further focus:  
Username: shailendra

shailendra kumar

Born: 1980
Lives in: India
Working at: Company
Current fatigue topics: LCF
Further focus: LCF
Message: ...
Username: shameli

Moharram Shameli

Born: 1977
Lives in: IRAN
Working at: University
Current fatigue topics: Composites
Further focus:  
Username: shh7100

seyed hasani naj.

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: shukri

Shukri Maail

Born: 1957
Lives in: Malaysia
Working at: TL Geotechnics
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue in driven piles
Further focus:  
Username: simon

Simon Solon

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: simorag

Simone Ragionieri

Born: 1971
Lives in: Italy
Working at: SmartCAE
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial, low-cycle
Further focus: Composite materials
Message: My compliments for your thesis, and good luck with your work as a scientist and software developer. I am the general manager of SmartCAE (, an Italian software distributor and a FEA consultancy company. We are interested in testing Pragtic both for application to cutting-edge consultancies and as resellers in Italy.
Username: skelvin

ZB Skelvin

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: slabaak

Michal Slabý

Born: 1990
Lives in: Tábor
Working at: student (CTU)
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: smarcos

Sergio Miguel Marcos Ruiz

Born: 1972
Lives in: Albacete
Working at: Project Manager
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: smedleydowell

John Dowell

Born: 1955
Lives in: Pennsylvania, USA
Working at: Retired from GE
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue in diesel engine components
Further focus: Crankshaft
Username: smejki

Martin Smejkal

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: snass117


Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: sovstan

Stanislav Sovadina

Born: 1948
Lives in: Brno, Czech Rep.
Working at: Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery s.r.o
Current fatigue topics: LCF, Strain Life Calculation
Further focus: Thermal Mechanical Fatigue
Message: >>
Username: spackma1

Marta Špačková

Born: 1979
Lives in: Prague
Working at: CTU in Prague
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: spaniel

Miroslav Španiel

Born: 1964
Lives in: Prague
Working at: CTU
Current fatigue topics: general
Further focus: fretting
Username: sparky

Hsin Jen Hoh

Born: 0
Lives in: Singapore
Working at: Nanyang Technological University
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: sshingade

Sanjay Shingade

Born: 1971
Lives in: Pella, USA
Working at: Midwest Engineering Works LLC
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: standaii

Stanislav Seitl

Born: 1975
Lives in: Brno
Working at: IPM
Current fatigue topics: Two-parameter fracture mechanics
Further focus:  
Username: stanislavsedl

Stanislav Sedlacek

Born: 1988
Lives in: Czech Republic
Working at: Robert Bosch, spol. s.r.o.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: stardustzhao

John Stardust

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: starikovmax

Maksym Starykov

Born: 1979
Lives in:  
Working at: Liebherr Mining Equipment
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus: Crane metal constructions
Username: stefano

Stefano Ottavis

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: stefanst99

Stefan Stefanov

Born: 1949
Lives in: Sofia, Bulgaria
Working at: University of Forestry (Engineering)
Current fatigue topics: (Curvilinear) Integral Method for (Multiaxial) Fatigue Life Prediction under any Loading
Further focus: Multiaxial Fatigue Life Prediction
Message: Who is interested in damage differentials and their direct integration for fatigue life prediction under any loading? Please visit
Username: stein

Martin Stein

Born: 1983
Lives in: Opava
Working at: OSTROJ a.s.
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue of welded joints
Further focus: Multiaxial fatigue
Username: Steiner

Ladislav Steiner

Born: 1989
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: stepanik

Oto Štěpáník

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: stetinajakub

Jakub Štětina

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: storekj

Josef Storek

Born: 1975
Lives in: Chrudim
Working at: Czech Technical University in Prague
Current fatigue topics: Load spectrum of the grab dredger
Further focus:  
Username: subha_dip

Subhadip Maiti

Born: 1988
Lives in: mumbai
Working at: Student
Current fatigue topics: Project
Further focus: Developement
Username: sulkapeter

Peter Šulka

Born: 1911
Lives in: Žilina
Working at: University of Zilina
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: sureshkumar

suresh kumar g

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: I learned quickly the concept of fatigue with your guide. So, further I would like to continue the learning with your tool and also contribute if possible.
Username: svaricek

Karel Švaříček

Born: 1978
Lives in: Brno
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: talhawking

Emre Erdemir

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: tarekhassine_en

Hassine Tarek

Born: 1965
Lives in: Tunisia (Sousse)
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: HCF, LCF, Fatigue damage
Further focus: HCF
Username: tatielencosta


Born: 1987
Lives in: BRAZIL
Working at: FURG
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: taumino

Davide Salvatore Paolino

Born: 1977
Lives in: Turin
Working at: Politecnico di Torino
Current fatigue topics: Very-high-cycle fatigue and statistical analysis of fatigue data
Further focus: Multiaxial fatigue
Username: tdinh

Tien Dinh

Born: 1987
Lives in: Belgium
Working at: University
Current fatigue topics: multiscale fatigue modeling for 3D printed component
Further focus:  
Username: teaxdriv1

a aaa

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: thiago.rausch

Thiago Rausch

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: thijstudelft

Thijs Velner

Born: 1992
Lives in: Delft
Working at: Student Maritime Technology
Current fatigue topics: Validating multiaxial fatigue models
Further focus: ---
Username: Tiefenbach

Tiefenbach Martin

Born: 1983
Lives in: Prague
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: tjkonly

TJ Karthik Karthik

Born: 1977
Lives in: Bangalore
Working at: 8971111480
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Tmcoates

Thomas Coates

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Tomas

Tomáš Bělohradský

Born: 1958
Lives in: Babice, Czech Republic
Working at: AI, Kunovice
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue of aircraft, Life Monitoring Systems
Further focus:  
Username: tomas.tomas

tomas tomas

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: tomasz

Tomasz Kocjan

Born: 1977
Lives in: Poland
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: tomward

Thomas Ward

Born: 1968
Lives in: London
Working at: Lloyd's Register
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue analysis of hull structure of floating structures due to wave induced and operational loads
Further focus:  
Username: Tria Mariz Arie

Tria Mariz Arief

Born: 1971
Lives in: Bandung, Indonesia
Working at: Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Current fatigue topics: Gear Fatigue
Further focus: -
Message: I am graduate students in ITB Indonesia, i have an assignment to use Fatigue FEM Software to benchmark among the others.
Username: Tsapi Martial

tsapi martial

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics: high cycle fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: tt314

tt314 tt

Born: 1974
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: tucek

Ondřej Tuček

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: Výzkumný a zkušební ústav Plzeň s.r.o.
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: turanbey02

hasan turan

Born: 2023
Lives in: Turkey
Working at: Energy
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: tyhello

Taher Yusuf

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Tyler123

Liosber Medina

Born: 1983
Lives in: Santa Clara. Cuba
Working at: Universidad Central De las Villas
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Ukkis

Juho Ukkola

Born: 1994
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: uzunovic

Almir Uzunovic

Born: 1979
Lives in: Erlangen
Working at: Institute for Process Technology and Machinery, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue of high pressure parts
Further focus:  
Username: valcolucci

Valerio Colucci

Born: 1974
Lives in: Martina Franca, ITALY
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: valdir

Valdir Cardoso

Born: 1972
Lives in: Brazil
Working at: Altair
Current fatigue topics: Frequency and welding fatigue
Further focus: Automated solution for Dynamic fatigue
Message: Dear, I learned from your project in a post from an old friend and I would like to participate on it. Thanks you!
Username: Varunfun

Maruthi Varun Kadiri

Born: 1996
Lives in: Hyderabad India
Working at: project
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: vasicek

Michal Vasicek Vasicek

Born: 1983
Lives in: Nymburk
Working at: CTU, Porsche Engineering Services
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:
Username: Verdandi

Antigone Sofokleous

Born: 1958
Lives in: Germany
Working at: Self-employed, Consultancy in specific scientific and technical problems
Current fatigue topics: fatigue behaviour of materials in microscopic components,
Further focus: open
Username: veronika

David Kolovratník

Born: 1981
Lives in: Prague
Working at: ČVUT
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: vietducensam

LE Viet Duc

Born: 1988
Lives in: Angers, France
Working at: Arts et Métiers
Current fatigue topics: Effect of defects on the fatigue strength
Further focus:  

Vigneshwaran K

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: IITM
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: vikas18790

Vikas kaushik

Born: 1991
Lives in: India
Working at: Indian Institute of Technology,Kharagpur
Current fatigue topics: fatigue crack growth analysis of composite structures
Further focus: fatigue crack growth analysis of smart structures
Username: vinod

viinod atpadkar

Born: 2002
Lives in: pune
Working at: Kit College Kolhapur
Current fatigue topics: fatigue analysis of crankshaft
Further focus: optimization for fatigue life
Message: Dear Sir, i am intrested to look for your software and complete and M.E project in it. it would be my pleasure if allow me to fatigue analysis by your code.
Username: vipinkec

vipin hari

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: vishalkunjir


Born: 1982
Lives in: PUNE
Working at: Kirloskar Oil Engines Limited
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: vishnu

Vishnu Arunachalam

Born: 1986
Lives in: India
Working at: Ashley
Current fatigue topics: Basics
Further focus: calculation methods
Message: Please send me some more literature on Fatigue and fracture. First i need t oknow the basics and then advanced.
Username: Vishnu.VP

Vishnu Venugopal Poovakaud

Born: 1988
Lives in: Belgium
Working at: KU Leuven Technology
Current fatigue topics: Fretting fatigue in HSS
Further focus: Fatigue damage in Bolted Connections
Username: vknet

Trung Kien Vu

Born: 1977
Lives in: Vietnam
Working at: PV
Current fatigue topics: fretting fatigue
Further focus: estimate fretting fatigue life
Username: vstavro

Vladimír Stavrovský

Born: 1979
Lives in: Prague, Czech Republic
Working at: Czech Technical University in Prague
Current fatigue topics: fatigue, composites
Further focus:  
Username: Wacon

Cong Wang

Born: 1988
Lives in: China
Working at: Student
Current fatigue topics: Multiaxial fatigue, High-cycle fatigue, random fatigue
Further focus: Multiaxial fatigue, High-cycle fatigue, random fatigue
Username: wangwz214

wangwz wangwz

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: wangyoucao

zhenkun guo

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: wanhualiang123

wanhualiang wan

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: wassilwutschkov

Wassil Wutschkov

Born: 1955
Lives in: Saint Louis
Working at: Boeing
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: wassim.maktouf

Maktouf Wassim

Born: 1978
Lives in: Tunisia
Working at: BG-Group
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: wenhao

hao wen

Born: 1979
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: wetake

Vít Řípa

Born: 1994
Lives in: Prag
Working at: student, CVUT, mechanical engineering
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: willmerd

Willmerding Guenter

Born: 1947
Lives in: Germany
Working at: Steinbeis TZ Verkehrstechnik
Current fatigue topics: Use and develop software for fatigue analysis / winLIFE
Further focus:  
Message: It is an intersting experiment to develop a freeware solution for fatigue software. I will be interested to see how it will progress.
Username: wojtekch

Wojciech Piotr

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: wombta

wombta wo

Born: 2026
Lives in: china
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus: mutiaxial fatigue
Message: i adore is a good job,i want to use your tool.
Username: wyzc2005

zhiyu gao

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: wz4w13

Carlos Villafan

Born: 1979
Lives in: Mexico
Working at: GM
Current fatigue topics: FE Fatigue, block cycles,
Further focus:  
Username: xood33

David David

Born: 0
Lives in: France
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: xuwu

xuwu xuwu

Born: 1985
Lives in: shanghai,china
Working at: uiversity
Current fatigue topics: crack initation and propogation
Further focus: assessment of stucture life and relibility
Message: i think the mechanical workers(researchers)have two important things to do the first is how to assess a stucture failed and another is when a stucture failed do reasearches,i think ,communication is very important!
Username: xxl116

Xin Lei

Born: 0
Lives in: USA
Working at: Navistar
Current fatigue topics: Notched Fatigue
Further focus: TMF
Username: yahia3545

Yahia Ismail

Born: 1967
Lives in: Twin City, US
Working at: ThermoKing
Current fatigue topics: Life Fatigue prediction
Further focus: Multi Axis Fatigue
Message: I would like to compare results of Pragtic with other commercial code like nCode.
Username: Yanga

Tim Gowing

Born: 1967
Lives in: England
Working at: Freelance Mechanical Engineer
Current fatigue topics: constant amplitude, high cycle
Further focus: variable amplitude, plasticity
Username: yanicen

Andrei I.

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: YAOqz

Qingzhi YAO

Born: 1997
Lives in: Osaka, Japan
Working at: Joining and Welding Research Institute
Current fatigue topics: fretting fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: ym20279

Kieran Stoker

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: Univeristy of Bristol
Current fatigue topics: Corrosion Fatigue, Irradiation assisted fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: ymlclarkson

Yongming Liu

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: yogish.yajamaan

Yogish Yajamaan

Born: 2022
Lives in: Pune
Working at: Tata
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Yongsam Kim

Yongsam Kim

Born: 1973
Lives in: Seoul
Working at: SBLimotive
Current fatigue topics: Fatigue on aluminum vent on lithium ion battery
Further focus: Fatigue on aluminum vent on lithium ion battery
Username: yxg

Michael Yang

Born: 1962
Lives in: Beijing
Working at: Beihang University
Current fatigue topics: LCF and TMF
Further focus:  
Username: ZaferEngin

Zafer Engin

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Zahnstange

Hua Qingsong

Born: 1975
Lives in: Hamburg, Germany
Working at: Powerwind GmbH
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: Zbynek

Zbyněk Syrovátka

Born: 1982
Lives in: Prague
Working at: ProEngineer-Mechanica
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: zbyszekm

Zbigniew Mikulski

Born: 0
Lives in: Grimstad
Working at: University of Agder
Current fatigue topics: welded joints
Further focus:  
Username: zcc2xj

Zhang Chengcheng

Born: 1982
Lives in: Nanjing,Jiangsu,China
Working at: Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Current fatigue topics: multiaxial fatigue
Further focus:  
Username: zdenepa1

Pavel Zděnek

Born: 1992
Lives in: Říčany
Working at: Výzkumný a zkušební letecký ústav, a.s., Beranových 130, 199 05 Praha - Letňany
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: zgesi

zge si

Born: 1990
Lives in: spore
Working at: education
Current fatigue topics: no at this moment
Further focus:  
Username: zgesi123

si3 zge

Born: 1975
Lives in: Beijing, China
Working at: Computer science
Current fatigue topics: fatigue on plastic mould
Further focus: metal, plastic
Message: I am a teacher of Beijing university and looking for a tools for my teaching. Also, we can make some contribution if necessary.
Username: zhanweigang

weigang zhan

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: zorroat2000

john paine

Born: 1980
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: zuheir

Zuheir Barsoum

Born: 1978
Lives in:  
Working at:  
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  


Username: a.defaverges


Born: 1963
Lives in: France
Working at: Stellantis
Current fatigue topics: Vibratory fatigue and BEV batteries
Further focus:  
Username: elgheryb

elgheryb choukri

Born: 2010
Lives in: MORROCO, Casablanca
Working at: ASSYSTEM
Current fatigue topics: fatigue vibratoire
Further focus:  
Username: franksherratt

Frank Sherratt

Born: 1928
Lives in: England
Working at: Retired
Current fatigue topics: Frequency domain analysis
Further focus: Web-based communication
Username: greenetucky

James D. Helton Jim

Born: 1956
Lives in: Bedford Indiana
Working at: AISIN
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: JanHruska

Jan Hruška

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: WIKOV MGI
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jhavlinova

Jitka Havlínová

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: Czech Society for Mechanics
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jkrepela@wikov.

Jan Křepela

Born: 1979
Lives in:  
Working at: Wikov MGI
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: jzenzerovic

Jasen Zenzerovic

Born: 1996
Lives in: Rijeka
Working at: Faculty of engineering Rijeka
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: materialsoceani

Rakshith Kumar

Born: 1990
Lives in: Australia
Working at: PRISM
Current fatigue topics: Quenching
Further focus:  
Username: michele.gesino

Michele Gesino

Born: 1975
Lives in: Genova
Working at: IIT
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: nick

Gianni Nicoletto

Born: 1954
Lives in: Parma
Working at: University of Parma
Current fatigue topics: Metal additive manufacturing, composite materials
Further focus:  
Username: quackquack

quack quack in

Born: 0
Lives in:  
Working at: 9874589658
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Username: smelikjan

Jan Smělík

Born: 1990
Lives in: Praha
Working at: FS ČVUT
Current fatigue topics:  
Further focus:  
Message: Ahoj, prosím o autorizaci a zpřístupění webu. Díky, Jenda Smělík

Anonymous Users

Anonymous users prefer to stay anonymous to other users. They therefore do not have any rights to access Forum or to edit the databases.

List of anonymous users: 2582091923; 31asd31asd; 922664019; abdoulh; abraham; ah; ahmadazim; AJOHNSON; akassir; al_Torino_poli; albe.visentin; ale_m_loew; alebrufl; alettriste; Alirezarmit; alopezj; alpcalicioglu; amir; Amit; andreas; Andrew.Curtis; AndreyA; anttiroiko; antto; anup; arash2002; are_zn; arifbasuki; arivas; armitaej; Arne Mulkers; asd31asd31; ashethen; atamugan@gmail; Attila; B.Cabrnoch; baichitang; behal; bendouba; bigbentower@red; bill1; blazuinek; blitzfatigue; boland.nathan@g; braemarr; breizhmabro; bstepp; busta.mar; c.rodriguezg; cagdasc; camilla; CarlosLaCava; carolinabhering; corona; Cox047; croquet; ctl; cvsrao; Cyrille; dan_dimple; dandoubleo; dayu; dezsit; diederikv; dinamo6; doctor798; dystiff; dzenio83; eayhs2; ecannizzaro; ecosys; edenkwon; emdnajeeb; emmrich; endur; erpr; ertyuit; ev; EXALHM; Fabio010; fabuk; fandysipata_rek; fang00jie; fapennec; fatuser; fcgn51; ferreiros1750; filip.dvorak7@g; finzi; Foltis; fractureman; fzahedi; galois; gfrcast; ghogst; giacomo.facheri; gianfraco_casti; Glay; gleis7; gnyb; godie3; Gregor; gt.siadmi; guripon; Haapasalo; hassane1993; hhjcz; hug0; huhz; hyunki04; chandramouli; chidambar13; ikaryp; ikeroak; ikh; imd; industrial; Inigo; ironmanu; isfr; j_jones; j.kopacka; j3ndys; jac; jan.blokes@tatr; JanS; janszkandera; Jason; jasonsmith456; jc28034; jdufresne; JEPPINGA; Jeroen; jerza; jiriulman; JLUSINAGE; jnd; johnair; JuhaT; JvB; kacer; kamelpolymer; Kamil; kamile; kangoutroux; karimboor; Kas; kecjan; Kicks1; klouda; kopriva; kpe111512; kulae; kundo; KURGAN; Kurt; kyros; laboreby; ladams17; ladi; lalakis; lamehd1; landersheim; larssonb; laure; Lavean; lee; LEE YOON EUI; Lenikus; Liegefatigue; littletuch; ljk0501; lkhalij; luxner; Magnoli; mahajan.nvh; mahmoudvolumetr; mameggi; manir; manolis; marekr; markla; markriha; Markus_Preiser; martin.plhal; MartinRund; materna; matthew_s; mbersella; megan970;; michaelo; mikehsieh; miroslav3101; miroslavspodnia; MiroslavSvoboda; mkrchma; mladenm; MohamadKh; mohanmuthu; Moncors; montazer1365; Morettini Giuli; muracelik; murrrkeskin; Nabla77; nagarajps; nahlahelmy; nao; narenkumar; nasrs; NazAr; ndru; neo764; Neubert412; Neubser412; Neugausler; nidhee18; nihonesi; nimaatsed; ocenasek.v; odirlei; oliv_def; ondra; ovesnavlocka; paj2ji; pantografo; pasquero; paul18fr; paulajvergara; PaulMorton; pavelgonda; Pepsi_Jedi; Peter; Petra; PetrŠenkýř; pfeiferovaj; piepolitb; Pierre976; Pincek; pkeene; poczklan; prajeetraj26597; pychina; rajesh; RBentele; rclaudio; RedRush; rial; ricardoc37; rogertide0000; rokae; rolph; rudalorenc; rv@0815; rvr93; S1363; salsago; samedi; sangram; sanstey; sasi123456789; SebastianSz; sgrobler; sguy; schie; sieber; siegl; sikkan; simodimo94; skacy; skerry; slepcik; smeksw; software; squeir; stefan4fatigue; stien1; stringshyd; swiftWOLf; syashas1994; syazana; Tamas; teaxdriv@gmail.; termeca; testuser; tg_s; theonetheone; thomas_HJ; thomas.thomsen@; tilbin; TimHimes; TimoCAD; tomashd; toujas; Triskelion; Tummelumsen; twenty_twenty; umashankar_g; UmutCan; UnAficionado; underscored; vaprag; viktor.kulisek; Vinayvb; VNALCACI; Wangler; Wazulu; wbill; williamsr; xingchen; xkrautsc; xumucle; yassrthabit; yuanliangx; Yuval Freed; zap60; zaxo; Zdenek; zdravimte; zhangjunfei@zwc; Zoubekt

Fatigue Data Repository


Weld Data

Bike in-service record

Fatigue Strength estimation via Machine Learning methods



FABER Project



pyLife workshop 2023


Events, Lectures

Workshops on Computational Fatigue Analysis

Workshops on Computational Fatigue Analysis 2024 - Fatigue Crack Growth

1st Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process

Recorded Lectures

D&DT for Aircraft Engineers

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Development in 2011-2014 supported by:
Alfa programme