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Paper for ULM 2006 Conference

This is a revised version of the paper presented on the conference Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics 2006. It is shown here with a kind permission of the conference organizers. The paper is in Czech language, but at least figures are comprehensible. The work on experimental validation of PI and PC criteria has not been finished yet, so I do not want to translate it into English.


PhD Thesis of Jan Papuga


The project described here is focused on multiaxial fatigue calculation in high cycle fatigue. The phenomenon of multiaxial fatigue, some basic assumptions and formulas are given first. Then the set of contemporary commercial fatigue postprocessors utilizing FE-data is reviewed in short. Since the postprocessors are aimed at commercial use, a possibility to use them for research is very limited. Therefore a PragTic software package, which is presented here, was developed. A set of experimental data (129 experiments altogether) was compiled from references. Thanks to the PragTic software, they could be evaluated using 12 existing high cycle fatigue criteria. Fruitfulness of the individual criteria is commented and also the effects of phase shift and mean stress can be separately examined. These results serve as a basis for design of two new criteria. First of them is of integral nature, the second one is based on critical plane evaluation. The integral version demands great computational effort. The critical plane criterion is thus emphasized too, though it leads to slightly worse prediction and its mathematical basis embodies some problems commented here. Nevertheless, the both proposed criteria give results, which largely overcome results of any other criterion gathered here. The both criteria were generated from a set of approximately twenty other versions. Here the advantage of PragTic was taken, because it can evaluate more criteria and load regimes together simultaneously.

Keywords: multiaxial fatigue, critical plane criteria, integral criteria, fatigue postprocessors, mean stress effect, phase shift effect



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