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FME CTU in Prague

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MATerial properties DATabase and set of estimation/calculation tools for industry professionals, engineers, scientists and students.

Main idea behind MATDAT.COM project is to collect and share existing, published material testing data and properties of design-relevant metallic materials. All material data are accessible after FREE registration. Advanced search, compare and reporting features are available to MATDAT PRO users.

Current efforts are focused on development/extension of the database content and implementation of methods and tools for estimation of cyclic and strain-life fatigue parameters from materials´ monotonic properties such as hardness and ultimate strength.

Users are encouraged to join MATDAT.COM community by contributing additional material data available from the literature, or their own, published/unpublished data.

Fatigue and Fracture

Non-commercial solution

  • Fatigue Calculator - online internet calculator managed by Socie's family
  • Fatlab - open-source fatigue analysis software developed in Matlab
  • PragTic - no comment...

Commercial packages

  • DesignLife developed by nCode (now HBM)
  • Durabilika (Fatigue Net) developed by the team from Western Michigan University
  • FATPLUS originally developed in NASA in Fortran 5.0. If you are a US citizen, then you can buy it for 300$ with its complete source code.
  • FatPro by CADLM
  • FemFat by ECS Magna-Steyr
  • Fe-Safe by Safe Technology
  • fFatigue - a tiny but very useful freeware for fatigue calculations with a quite large database of materials developed in Fatec Engineering
  • FILIPP (initiation) & RIFO (fracture mechanics) by Technical University Darmstadt
  • FracSafe is prepared by employees of Fraunhofer IWM Freiburg and enables computation in accordance with FKM-Richtlinie
  • Lifing - software packages allowing you to analyze fatigue crack initiation and growth respectively.
  • LIMIT - software prepared by CAE Simulation Solutions involves various standards focused on analyses in welds.
  • LMS Virtual.Lab Durability by LMS International
  • MSC Fatigue by MSC Software
  • WinLife by Steinbeis Transferzentrum

Fatigue data

  • - MATerial properties DATabase and set of estimation/calculation tools for industry professionals, engineers, scientists and students.
  • FADOFF databases - A set of databases on fatigue related papers, material parameters and fatigue experiments, which was initiated on databases originally located on this website. Anyhow, due to missing accordance among the project members, only limited functionality is enabled and a large portion of data is not accessible.
  • Bar Steel Fatigue - Database managed by Autosteel, focus on LCF
  • Fatigue Calculator - Material Property Finder, which was established by Socie's family, now managed by Altair
  • MatWeb - a searchable material database
  • Material database - a simple database on this website, not further extended, but still available for use
  • NIMS Materials Database - resource of fatigue data concerning fatigue & creeep
  • site of SAE FD&E Committee
  • NASA Technical Report Server - set of many published NASA reports

Useful websites

  • Gruppo Italiano Frattura - a homepage of the Italian Group of Fracture, including the open-access journal Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity), links to various PhD theses, conference proceedings, upcoming conferences and more
  • site of SAE FD&E Committee
  • ILTOF project - a series of freely accessible on-line courses with the focus placed on the fracture mechanics
  • FATIMAT project - The project is focused on prioritizing electromechanical and servopneumatic fatigue machines over the other older solutions. In fact, I do not understand very much the accessibility of the website by new visitors. It seems to be locked for external users.
  • NDT Resource Center - website dedicated to NDT techniques, including a lot of material for reading or some material data useful for NDT

Useful reading

Fatigue Data Repository


Weld Data

Bike in-service record

Fatigue Strength estimation via Machine Learning methods



FABER Project



pyLife workshop 2023


Events, Lectures

Workshops on Computational Fatigue Analysis

Workshops on Computational Fatigue Analysis 2024 - Fatigue Crack Growth

1st Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process

Recorded Lectures

D&DT for Aircraft Engineers

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Development in 2011-2014 supported by:
Alfa programme