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Course Evaluation















D&DT for Aircraft Engineers


Title PragTic


Language / Jazyk: Cesky


Evaluation of the Course

Throughout the course, the attendants were asked to provide us feedback on the quality of organization and of the lectures as well. Because of the audience, the evaluation is realized only in the Czech language. Those visitors, who are interested, can peep into the questionnaires summary:

The attendants could set marks between 1 (a really awful experience) to 10 (magnificient) in the following categories:

Organizing (the order is kept the same over all sections)

  • Up-to-date informations provided
  • Organization on the spot
  • Lecture hall, equipment
  • Refreshment

Lecturers and lectures (the order is kept the same over all sections)

  • Slides
  • Show
  • Comprehensibility
  • Value gained

The final sum was evaluated from all obtained forms. It is provided to the reader as e.g. 8.8/37, which means that the average value over all 37 responses was 8.8., last update: 10-05-2011