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Title PragTic


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FME CTU in Prague

Fatigue Lounge

The Fatigue Lounge is understood as a place where information concerning fatigue, fatigue analysis, fatigue events, and fatigue postprocessors is provided. However, the events managed by me are located in the section Events, lectures.

Jan Papuga

PragTic Freeware Project

Final example processed in FEMAP

The PragTic project is aimed at developing a freeware tool for automated fatigue damage calculation based on an FE-solution or performed at an isolated point with no relation to FEA. It started as a programming effort to support the preparation of my PhD thesis. After completing the thesis, the PragTic software remained in a state that demonstrated its potential for highly efficient use but also highlighted many necessary improvements. Not wanting to leave the program as is and let it be forgotten, I sought ways to continue its development.
I would not have spent so much time on this project if I had not been convinced that there were substantial reasons for my efforts. Some of these reasons can be found on the Concept page or in the analysis available in this pdf file.
It should be highlighted that the development of PragTic software was forcibly abandoned in 2015. What you find here cannot be further modified under the given circumstances.

Fatigue Data

Results of DFI for various groups

The use of PragTic allowed me to generate a vast amount of data that can help others understand the limits of current multiaxial high-cycle methods. The data are saved within a MySQL database, FatLim, which, in conjunction with the PHP language, allows for the presentation of data in a highly interactive mode.
I am not aware of any other analysis as broad as this one, and the results are apparently quite worse than those usually reported in research papers. It seems that researchers' activities are often impeded by two facts: (1) the unavailability of a fatigue solver that allows fast implementation of new methods and their efficient and quick testing (PragTic addresses this problem effectively); (2) the unavailability of experimental data for testing new proposals.
The end of PragTic development mentioned above caused some disruption in this section. Remnants of the previous activity can be found in the Database section.
This section is further populated with data items related to our publications.

FABER Project

FABER logo

All my previous experience gained while building PragTic and various fatigue databases has taught me one thing: It is extremely difficult to find statistically representative fatigue data that can be used to build benchmark datasets for validating various fatigue calculation methods. This constraint affects many PhD studies, limiting the quality of validation or extending the time required to collect sufficient experimental data. Surprisingly, applying such benchmarks to existing fatigue solvers and delivering the results to the public is even more challenging. The FABER project addresses this issue.

Events, lectures

WCFA2023-FKM-NL logo

This section was created as the scope of organizing various fatigue workshops expanded, and I began to manage events beyond the WCFA series. In addition to these, you will find links to freely available recordings from the 1st Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process, workshops on Damage Tolerance, and, most notably, a collection of freely available recordings from various specialized lectures, which I hope will receive many future contributions.

Fatigue Data Repository


Weld Data

Bike in-service record

Fatigue Strength estimation via Machine Learning methods



FABER Project



pyLife workshop 2023


Events, Lectures

Workshops on Computational Fatigue Analysis

Workshops on Computational Fatigue Analysis 2024 - Fatigue Crack Growth

2nd Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process

1st Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process

Recorded Lectures

D&DT for Aircraft Engineers

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Development in 2011-2014 supported by:
Alfa programme