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Title PragTic


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FME CTU in Prague

"PragTic in Use" Prize 2010 Call

PragTic is a freeware program ( for a use in fatigue damage calculations either based on FEA results or at isolated points. It is an ideal tool for young researchers or engineers thanks to its simple availability allowing unlimited private use. In order to support further development of PragTic and its extensive use among engineers and researchers, which serves as quality feedback for future implementations, the PragTic in Use (PiU) Prize Call is announced. A prize fund has been gathered from the yield of WCFA'09 & PUM3 meeting:

Total PiU Prize money in 2010 1 200 EUR

The prize will be awarded to a researcher / engineer up to the age of 40 on the date of submission for the best work described in a paper submitted to the evaluation committee. Papers must be submitted not later than August 15, 2010 for review by the evaluation committee. The evaluation committee retains the right to divide the prize among multiple applicants, if there is more than one best-ranked paper, or to withhold the prize, if no paper is of the required quality. Full details on the PiU prize call are published on

The paper must be submitted in English. The focus of the paper is not specified, but must involve the use of PragTic or implementations of new methods into PragTic. All registered competitors can ask for access to specific parts of the PragTic source code, under the condition that this access will serve only for the purposes of this competition and will not be conveyed farther in any form. Users will keep in contact with the source code provider (Jan Papuga) and will inform him in full about the procedures they are implementing, so that they can be integrated into the publicly distributed PragTic versions.

The prize will be awarded at the 4th PragTic Users' Meeting, held in the break October-November 2010 in the Czech Republic, where the winner will present her/his research in person. The winner will attend the meeting free of charge – i.e. without paying the conference fee. The other competitors will also have an opportunity to show the results of their work in presentations given at the meeting. Please look on the meeting website for more actual information concerning the meeting.

You can download the call as a pdf file also here.

PiU 2010 Prize guarantors:

  • Ing. Jan Papuga, Ph.D.
  • Prof. Milan Růžička, CSc.
  • Czech Society for Mechanics - Committee for Mechanics of Fatigue Damaging in Materials

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