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Title PragTic


PragTic SW





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Suporting Institutions



FME CTU in Prague

Supporting Institutions

Czech Technical University in Prague

This is a home university of Jan Papuga, and its involvement in various activities presented on the website is thus really substantial

  • 29% shareholder of any version of PragTic fatigue solver
  • It helped financially in early years of PragTic development
  • Supporting development of FatLim and FinLiv databases by Jan Papuga within a project funded by Czech Science Foundation
  • Taking part within FADOFF project in 2011-2014 funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
  • Payment of webhosting and domain fees for website from 2011 on
  • Auspices of WCFA workshops and providing the rooms for arranging them from 2014 on

Evektor spol. s r.o.

Also this is one of employers of Jan Papuga, and its involvement in various activities presented here was important

  • 26% shareholder of any version of PragTic fatigue solver
  • It helped financially in early years of PragTic development (v.0.2)
  • Taking part within FADOFF project in 2011-2014 funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
  • Support of WCFA & PragTic Users' Meetings 01-05 in 2007-2013

VSB - Technical University of Ostrava

  • 20% shareholder of any version of PragTic fatigue solver
  • Taking part within FADOFF project in 2011-2014 funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
  • LCF module of the last v.0.5 official version released in 2014
  • parallelizing PragTic in a separate version within a project funded by the Czech Science Foundation in 2015-2017

Research and Testing Institute Plzeƈ s.r.o.

  • Taking part within FADOFF project in 2011-2014 funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic

Fatigue Data Repository


Weld Data

Bike in-service record

Fatigue Strength estimation via Machine Learning methods



FABER Project



pyLife workshop 2023


Events, Lectures

Workshops on Computational Fatigue Analysis

Workshops on Computational Fatigue Analysis 2024 - Fatigue Crack Growth

1st Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process

Recorded Lectures

D&DT for Aircraft Engineers

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Development in 2011-2014 supported by:
Alfa programme