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Seminář o výpočetní únavové analýze 2008 & 2. setkání uživatelů programu PragTic
Program si nyní můžete stáhnout v pdf verzi.
- Section 01 - Formation of fatigue cracks in the material
- Section 02 - Fatigue research initiated
- Section 03 - Fatigue damage
- Section 04 - Other fatigue FEA post-processors
- Section 05 - Traditional fatigue analysis
- Section 06 - Some more complications you should be aware of
- Section 07 - Fatigue life prediction by uniaxial fatigue analysis
- Section 08 - Multiaxial fatigue
- Section 09 - Fatigue analysis of welded joints
- Section 10 - Fatigue analysis of welded joints - Applications
- Section 11 - It's a free, free world -
(*.ppt) or
- Section 12 - From PragTicA to FADO -
(*.ppt) or
- Section 13 - PragTic - Use of finite element analysis data in fatigue analysis -
(*.ppt) or
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papuga@pragtic.com | 

Development in 2011-2014 supported by:
