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WCFA'24 - Fatigue Crack Growth

Programme of the Workshop

In previous volumes of the WCFA workshop, we usually dedicated the first day to onboarding newcomers - engineers who were not educated in fatigue analysis or who had forgotten everything while practicing in other engineering domains. We decided to skip this one-day course this year to make the rest of the lectures over 2.5 days more manageable. If you miss the introductory course Introduction to Fatigue, it can be accessed online from previous recordings, either from the Vibration Fatigue Analysis workshop in 2022 or the FKM-Guideline Non-Linear workshop in 2023.

To better meet the needs of participants and their level of fatigue knowledge, several variants of the course are provided:

December 4, 2024 (6 hours of lectures)
D. Quaranta: Damage Tolerance, Fracture Mechanics and Crack Growth in Aerospace Industry V1 V3
December 5, 2024 (6 hours of lectures)
K. Rother: FKM Guideline on Fracture Mechanics V2
December 6, 2024 (3 hours of lectures)
K. Rother: FKM Guideline on Fracture Mechanics

Topics discussed in individual days follow.

Damage Tolerance, Fracture Mechanics and Crack Growth in Aerospace Industry

This part is covered in the following variants: Introduction to Fatigue (V1), Complete Course (V3).

A more detailed schedule will be provided in September. The standard setup for a lecture da,y as in previous volumes of WCFA, will be followed. Lectures will start at 9:00 AM, so please ensure you register before that time. There will be a 30-minute coffee break, or a 90-minute lunch break every 90 minutes of lectures.

The topics covered during this day include:

Damage Tolerant (DT) design

  • Fatigue Cracks in metals
  • Design criteria development from Safe Life to Damage Tolerance
  • DT assessment workflow and differences with respect to the Fatigue assessment workflow
  • Stress Intensity Factors (SIF)

Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)

  • SIFs derivation/calculation methods
  • LEFM limits of validity
  • SIF calculation examples in 2D and 3D FEM
  • DT Design features (crack stoppers)

Crack Growth (CG) Models

  • da/dN models (Paris, Walker, Nasgro, tabular lookup)
  • 1D integration algorithm (through cracks in thin structures)
  • 2D integration algorithms (corner cracks)
  • CG Life curve (examples of derivation with different tools)
  • Scatter Factors and Inspection intervals derivation
  • Initial and inspectable crack sizes
  • Residual strength check
  • Crack Retardation

DT Related Advanced Topics

  • Continuing damage approach (primary and secondary cracks)
  • Small cracks
  • Cold working and interferce fit effects
  • Testing DT designed structures
    • Full-Scale Fatigue Test for DT structures
    • Loads derivation methods
  • Calculation at locations which have not been sufficiently covered by test

FKM Guideline on Fracture Mechanics

A more detailed schedule will be provided in September.

This part is included in all variants except for Introduction to Fatigue (V1). It covers the whole day on Thursday December 5 (concluding with the Social Evening) and the morning session of Friday December 6. The same schedule as the previous day will apply - we start at 9.00 AM, each block of lectures lasts 90 minutes, with 30-minute coffee breaks and a 90-minute lunch break. On the final day, to ensure you are not hungry before your departure, the workshop will conclude with lunch.

The content of the lectures during these one and half days includes:

Introductory remarks

  • Background information and overview of the guideline
  • Basics on fracture mechanical concepts
  • Linear elastic vs. elastic-plastic fracture mechanics
  • Failure assessment diagrams
  • Static vs. cyclic loading
  • Assessment concept of the guideline

Input quantities and modelling

  • Defects
  • Stress state
  • Material properties

Computational Procedures

  • Static loading
  • Cyclic loading
  • Advanced topics

Proof concept

  • Safety margins and reserve factors, sensitivity analysis, probabilistic analysis
  • Applications



Timetables of past volumes, last update: July 20, 2024

Czech Society for Mechanics

FME   CTU in Prague



FABER Project

Other lectures

1st Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process

pyLife workshop 2023



FKM-Guideline Non-Linear

Vibration Fatigue Analysis

Paul Heuler's Lectures

FKM Guideline Training

Design and Fatigue of Weldments

Vibration Fatigue Analysis

D&DT for Aircraft Engineers