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Application to the DDT

Payment of the DDT

Transport to the DDT

Time Schedule of the DDT workshops

Course Lecturers

Course Evaluation









VAL 2015 Conference


DTMA workshop 2011


Title PragTic

Czech Society for Mechanics
in cooperation with
and FME Czech Technical University in Prague

cordially invite you to the course

Design & Damage Tolerance for Aeronautical Engineers

Hotel Rytířsko, Jamné 156, Czech Republic

October 20-22, November 11-13, 2014


  • Introducing, elaborating and consolidating the knowledge on Damage Tolerance gained within DTMA course
  • Getting experienced lecturers to the Czech Republic to cover this topic and decrease thus prices for similar courses elsewhere
  • Transfer of know-how and its application for the structural design from abroad to the Czech Republic
  • Gaining competitive advantage for participating designers and analysts on the European market concerning aircraft structures
  • Meeting experts and specialists with this focus, exchange of experience, opinions
  • Getting the feedback from participants for preparing other similar courses

Program Topics

Part 1 October 20 - 22, 2014 Design Principles and Examples for Metal Structure in Aerospace
Part 2 November 11 - 13, 2014 Fatigue & Damage Tolerance for Metal Structure

Detailed information on the individual topics will be subsequently published in the Program section.


Most of the lectures will be given at Hotel Rytířsko, Jamné 156, Czech Republic. The hotel is located less than 1 km from the main D1 highway, approx. in the middle between Prague and Brno.

Eligible Audience

The course is organized with support of AeroStruc company. The agreement between organizers opens the course for participants from institutions located in these countries: Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine. In case the institutions you work at is located elsewhere, contact please representatives of AeroStruc.

Participant Fee

Not all attendants are expected to be interested in both parts of the course. Therefore, two variants of the participation fee were established:

VariantPrice in EURPrice in CZKPrice in CZK for CSM members
One part34090008100
Both parts6001600014400

The members of the Czech Society for Mechanics pay a reduced fee for any variant, see above. The payment covers the attendance, provision of the course materials, meals and coffee breaks. Details concerning the payments and the reduction for the Early Bird payment are provided in the Payment section of this website.

All participants will obtain a certificate about the course attendance with the explicit statment which topics they attended.

Official Language

English language will be used primarily during the course.

How To Apply

The registration for the Part 1 - Design Principles and the full course is opened till September 30, 2014 in the Application section. Note please that the same deadline concerns also the participants fee delivery to the CSM account. Those, who want to take part only in Part 2 - F&DT have to apply and pay the fee till November 3. Later terms can be arranged only after contacting the chairman.

Organizing Committee


Website: The links to the newly provided information are available in the News section.

Tel.: +420 737 977 741 (Jan Papuga)

E-mail: or above, last update: 2014-10-25